Chapter 5 - Sonnet of Broken Mirrors (part one) (CLOSED)

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Chapter 5 - Sonnet of Broken Mirrors
- part one -

It was dark. Pitch-black, unforgiving, heavy darkness. And Hotaru hated it. Hated the fact that she could see nothing, hated the fact she could do nothing.
She knew nothing.

Nothing but the chasing dreams and loud screaming of voices that pretended to catch her with angry pale hands before letting her go again. She would run again. Ran the same tracks again and again and again, chased down by voices and hands she now knew by heart.
Male, gruff, but like honey. Sticking to her feet, sliding all the way past trembling limbs struck by fear.
She knew nothing.

Water dripped onto her head, making her flinch with every cold droplet dripping down her hair. It was cold, so cold, and she didn't like it. Never liked the cold. Hotaru preferred to die of a heatstroke than freezing to death, but she could barely move a few steps, chained to the floor by a heavy chain connected to her foot.

If only they hadn't wounded her to this point she would have explored the room they kept her in. Hotaru could barely lift an arm.
She would keep her eyes closed, unable to keep them open for more than a few seconds. She could not see anyway. Not with the lights this dimm.

All she knew now was that she was high up somewhere, for she could hear the wind of the dry planes far behind beating against the stones of the wall behind her. A stone palace. There was only one she had heard of.
And it was a long ways from her home.

There were not the sounds of birds, but the distant sounds of shuffling among the walls inside the place, insects eating their way across the wood. Not all was stone in this palace.
There was iron too, and wood.

That, and someone was kept to watch her. As if she could go anywhere.
Someone in light armor, facing towards the cell's iron door. Looking.
Looking but saying nothing.

By the moons, who was he?

☆ The Tribe-Leaders will appear in this chapter. AS WELL AS YOUR ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. Therefore slightly different rules will apply:

☆ you are now allowed to play your own (!) TRIBE-Character. AND your originals so make sure to add a NAME or indication as to what character you're "commenting"

You are allowed to be at different places, but make sure people know where your character is by putting the place between -...-'s
- ex. -on the first floor-

☆ RP in the comments. (though that seems logical enough)

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