Love Upon A Star

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"Hey Multo, do you know what day it is?" Wizzy asked. "Well let me check my calendar." Said Multo as he checked his calendar and to his surprise. "Wizzy! Wigg! It's Feburary 14th! Do you know what that means?" Said Multo "is it one of the Holidays?" Asked Wigg. "Yes! It's Valentine's Day!" Said Multo happily and he continued on. "When lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. The holiday has origins in the festival, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery." Multo explained. Wizzy and Wigg were amazed to know about Valentine's day. Then Bula and Gorga came in the room. "What's going on, Multo?" Asked Bula. "It's Valentine's day Bula! You see..." Multo then explained to Bula about Valentine's day. "Do you ever have a girlfriend?" Multo asked. Bula began to blush, not saying anything until he spoke. "I actually haven't. You see, I get very nervous when it comes to relationships. There's no female Zuleans that I really like." Said Bula. Multo frowned. "What about Zeeter? You met her since you guys were Zula Scouts." Said Wigg. "Yeah, don't you guys like each other?" Wizzy added. Bula blushed a darker red. "Y-yeah. We did met since Zula Scouts, but that doesn't mean we have feelings for each other." Said Bula, then he thought about Zeeter. They're best friends and he always looks out for her. Then Bula admitted. "Who am I kidding... I love her! More than a friend. If it's Valentine's Day today, then I'm going to need your help surprising Zeeter. Wizzy! Wigg! Go to Zeeter and try to distract her. But don't tell her what I'm doing." Said Bula. "Roger that!" Said Wizzy and Wigg as they went to find Zeeter. Multo! Gorga! I'm gonna need your help with the decorations. This is a job for the Zula Patrol! Said Bula.

Meanwhile, Wizzy and Wigg are still looking for Zeeter and then they spotted her laying on a rock. They flew to Zeeter to check on how she's doing. "Hi Zeeter!" Said Wizzy and Wigg happily. "Hey Wizzy and Wigg, what brings you here?" Asked Zeeter. They began to chat about the solar system for a while. When Zeeter gets a call, she answered. "Zeeter, this is Bula. We need you to get back to the headquarters immediately!" Said Bula. "Roger that!" Said Zeeter as she got back to her ship along with Wizzy and Wigg.

When Zeeter, Wizzy and Wigg got back to the headquarters. Multo and Gorga were at the front of the headquarters, smiling. "Glad you made it Zeeter!" Said Multo as Zeeter smiled back at him and Gorga  before going inside the headquarters where it was dark. Candles lit up the dark and all Zeeter can see is heart decorations. She couldn't see Bula anywhere until she turned around to see Bula behind her, smiling nervously. "Bula, is something wrong?" Asked Zeeter as Bula slowly got closer. "Close your eyes Zeeter." Said Bula as Zeeter did what he told. She can hear his footsteps getting closer to her ears. When Bula got close enough, he held her, closed his eyes and gently kissed her on the lips. Zeeter to her surprise did not know that could really happen. She returned the kiss as she put her arms around his neck. They wanted it to last, but when they broke from the kiss, Bula is the first to confess. "Zeeter. When we first met since Zula Scouts, I thought we were going to be just friends. But in my heart, I fell in love with you. You're a smart, loving, and caring Zulean. I don't know what I'll do without you. I love you Zeeter! You are my love upon a star!" Bula finally confessed. Zeeter felt tears running down her face and smiled. "Bula... I love you too! You're an amazing captain to have!" Zeeter confessed. Bula and Zeeter kissed once again. This time it was longer and passionate. When they broke the kiss, they smiled at each other. "Happy Valentine's Day, Zeeter." Said Bula. Zeeter then took Bula's hand in her's as they walked out of the headquarters where Multo and others are waiting.

The End

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