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Jungkook breath deeply before he dialed Su Rin's number.

"Hana.....Dul......Set"he said nervously.

Su Rin's Pov

Aiisshhh!?I can't forget what Jk did to me earlier.

End of Su Rin's Pov

"He's just drunk Su Rin he's just-"my words didn't finish cuz someone called me.

She answered the phone call.

On phone call

"Nuguseyoooo????"i asked loudly.

No one answered her.

"I said who's this???"i said angrily."c'mon it's already morning don't make my day worst cuz earlier is so worst for me you know???Aiishh!?"i said angrily.

"Uhhmmm.....Goodmorning, I'm sorry to bothered you"he said shyly.
"Yeah you bothered me a lo-"i cut my words."Your voice so looked familiar"i said curiously.
"M-my voice???really???ohh btw I'm Jung-"he didn't finished his words cuz Su Rin speaks.
"Don't you say, y-your Jeon Jungkook??????"i asked curiously.

"Yes I'm Jeon Jungkook, btw I'm so-"his words didn't finished again cuz Su Rin's speaks.
"OH MY GAD!?JEON JUNGKOOK, Annyeonghasaeyo!?Su Rin imnida btw I'm your number one fan I swear"i said excitedly.
"Ohh really thank you Su Rin btw I have to tell you something but i want to tell it in person can I go to your house?????"he asked.

"To m-my house?????now???really???you'll go here now???"i asked nervously.
"Yes where's your address????"he asked.
"Uuhhhmmm wait wait just a few seconds"i said panickly.

"14 Naksanseonggwakseo 1-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea, that's my address HEHEHE"i said proudly.
"Oh okay bye I'll go now"he said.
"Ne!? Take care"i said excitedly.

End of phone call

"WAAHHHHHH!?OMO OMO I should get ready and clean this messy house" i said while getting up from the bed.

After few minutes Su Rin finished cleaning her house. And someone ring the doorbell.

"It's him!?"i said while fixing myself.

When Su Rin opened the door he saw Jk's handsome face.

"Annyeong Su Rin-ssi"he said shyly while rubbing the back of his head

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"Annyeong Su Rin-ssi"he said shyly while rubbing the back of his head.
"A-Annyeong Jungkook-ssi, c-come in"i said.

Jungkook entered Su Rin's house

"Waw, your house is so beautiful and neat"he said while looking around.

"Kamsahamnida"i bowed to him.
"Don't be formal to me"he said while smiling at me.
"Ahh ne"i said.
"Ohh btw I wanted to say sorry for what happend yesterday"he said embarrassly.
"It's okay I know that your just too drunk. You take a sit"i offered him.

"Thank you"he said.
"Do you want something?should I ordered some food????"i asked him.
"Uuhhmmm.....Okay, I'll treat you just ordered anything you want."he said.
"Jinjja!?Okay as you said"i said while picking my phone.

Su Rin's Pov

I feel Jungkook was staring at me.....I feel it....why he's staring at me????

End of Su Rin's Pov

"Your pretty"Jk said with his death stare and breath taking smile.
"Me????HAHAHA g-gomawo"i said and turn around.

While Su Rin was looking to her phone to search some food. He didn't notice that Jk was standing at her back.

"Are you done looking for some foods???"he asked.

Su Rin almost drop her phone but Jk already got it and placed it to her hand.

"You scared me"i said and turn around to him.
"I'm sorry I'm just hungry so asked if you already ordered some foods"he said while massaging his tummy.
"Ohh sorry, yes I've already ordered some chicken and beer"i said to him."Uhhmm while were waiting let's watch TV"i said.
"Okay"he said.

While their watching......

Su Rin's Pov

Why your so handsome Jungkook??

End of Su Rin's Pov

"Su Rin stop staring at me"he said while laughing.
"What???I'm not staring at you"i said while watching at TV.
"I saw you in the reflection at TV"he said and giggled.
"S-sorry"i said shyly.
"It's okay Su Rin"he said and look at me.

"Are you single?"he asked but still watching.
"Yes"i answered.
"That's good"he said and smirked.
"Good???"i asked curiously.
"Let's go out sometime"he said and stared at me.
"Go out?????why????"i asked nervously.
"Cuz I wa-"his words cut cuz the food has arrived.
"Wait the food is here, I'll get it just wait here"i said and go the door.

Jk's Pov

Should I say I wanted to date her??Aaiisshhhh?!

End of Jk's Pov

"Sorry for waiting here's the food"i said while carrying the beer and box of chicken.
"I'll help you"he said and stood up.

When Su Rin will give the box of chicken to Jk, their touched each other's hand and stared for a while.

"It's h-hot"he said while carrying the box of chicken.
"Oww!? S-sorry, here you go"i gave him the box.

"Are you okay?am I irritating you????"he asked.
"No your not"i answered him.
"Okay then, let's eat"he said and get some chicken.
"Ne"i said and get some chicken too.

While we're eating......

"Ohh what are you saying earlier? We'll go out cuz what????"i asked curiously.
"Uhhmmm"he said while finishing he's chicken."let's date"he said.

Su Rin has spilled some beer cuz she was shookt.

"Mianhe!?I'll get some tissues"i said.
"Arraseo"he said.

Su Rin get some tissues at the kitchen.

"We'll date????c'mon jungkook stop joking HAHAHA"i asked seriously and fake laugh while whipping the spilled beer.
"I'm serious Su Rin Let's date"he said and looked at me.
"Uuhhmmm are you sure????i assured him.
"Ne"he said still staring at me.

Su Rin focused at TV.

"She's cute"Jk whispered.

After few hours the sun shines brightly.

"Waahh, it's already 8am"he said while yawning. He saw that Su Rin was staring at him.
"Your sleepy"i said.
"Yeah a little"he said and yawned again.
"Just sleep here at my bed"i offered.
"No thanks, Im ok-"Su Rin cut his words.
"Just sleep their"i said while bringing tha box and can of beers."just sleep okay???"i said and leaved him.

Jk's Pov

Why she's so kind and she's not scared with someone who didn't know the personality. She's so brave i think, I Like Her.

End of Jk's Pov.

Su Rin came back after few minutes, and saw Jk fall asleep.

Su Rin's Pov

I like you Jungkook, I really like you since the day i know you.

End of Su Rin's Pov

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