A help call

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"nooo, Kido!" Marry screamed "please don't die, please"
"It appears we failed again" said Ayano "feel free to turn back at any time"
"WAIT, NO" yelled Momo "what if we send a message to Azami for her to hold using your power Ayano"
"Marry you should be the one to ask your grandma for help, being she is the Medusa" ayano replied
"Wait, really?" marry asked
"Yes, she would likely listen and hold onto the memory" Ayano stated
"Alright" started Marry" grandma, please listen to me, I know his may be difficult but retain this memory, please, I am tired of watching my friends die, and I'm sure your tired of resetting, so for the sake of both of us please help, I beg of you, one way or another we must win, just let the pain end, I'm sure your daughter doesn't want to see you leave again, I'm sure I don't want to see my mother die again, please, end this agony."
"Momo, you caught all of that?" ayano asked
"Sure did" Momo replied "hey, Marry, could I see your smile one last time before this route is over?"
Momo had tears pouring down her face along with Ayano, though they both tried to think positive, Marry smilled, while letting out a powerful tear
"Alright, I sent the memory to Azami, any last minute things?"
"I just, I wanna see this end, I wanna have friends that will actually live, why may reality be so cruel, why can't the suffering end?" Marry asked
"I hope, next reality can be the last time we have to live this summer!" Ayano responded "trust me, this has all been hard on all of us."
With a blink of an eye reality faded away

Hopefully this summer, is just as brilliant as the last, if it wasn't for you it would've been a boring day ...

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