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They all had looks of shock and confusion.

Leone:you never told us you had a cousin!

Najenda:it never came up....so cousin you want to join Nightraid?

Zed:yes...I think you know why

Najenda:I do...the Minister

Zed:I want his head!

Mine:can one of you explain!

Najenda:fine...Zed is my cousin from my fathers side. He lived in a village in the north us in the south so we rarely got to visit. But one day the imperial attacked his village killing my uncle and aunt. He left and was found by a master of shadows. I found him years later when I was still in the imperial army. I came back regularly to visit until I joined the revolutionary army what happened to Zed after that he can only tell you

Zed:and I'm not going too...for awhile anyway

I began to walk away.

Zed:now I'm going to sleep. Wake me when breakfast I ready

I yawned and walked to my room which the showed me earlier.


Once he left we all looked at the boss.

Najenda:what? You herd him everyone get some shut eye. Akame wake him up and have him help you make breakfast

Akame:yes mam

She walked out as well as everyone else. I couldn't stop thinking about Zed...somthing about him.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Akame trying to wake Zed up.


*knock knock*

I knocked Zeds door. No answer. I knocked again louder. No answer. I opened the door to him sleeping on the ceiling hanging from a rafter.

Akame:Zed wake up *poke* wake up*poke* wake up*poke,poke*

He grabbed my hand.

Zed:you can stop now I'm awake

He jumped down. He was much taller than me. I then noticed the scars and a stab wound  on his chest.

Akame:your bleeding

Zed:yeah thanks for that...I'll be fine nothing I haven't lived threw

He walked over to a table were his helmet was and he put it on. The armour covers him.

Zed:now what's for breakfast?

Akame:first we need to hunt it come on

I gestured.

TIMESKIP  brought to you by chibi Zed walking with Akame.


We arrived at a large lake.

Zed:why are we here?

Akame:fish hunting

Zed:oh alright

I took off my helmet and my armour retracted. I took off my shirt.

Zed:then let's get to it!

I looked at Akame who was blushing slightly.

Akame:the ones we want are at the bottom


I dived in. I was later followed by Akame.

Akame ga kill akame x zed (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now