Chapter One

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*Mitch's POV*


I glance down at my phone and then back up to the road.

"Biggums?" I hear Jerome ask from my left.

"What's up, dood?" I reply.

He sighs. "What does Ryan want now?"

I sigh too. Ryan sent us on a food run for the new house. Which is weird, because they have a ton of food there... But it's cool, I'm always down to help a friend out.

"Nothing, he is just telling us to watch out because this is the 'bad' side of town."

Another sigh.

I stifle a laugh and look over at him. "But, I don't have to worry because, I have my main bacca driving." I say, giving him a nudge with my elbow.

Jerome leans over with a sly grin. "And?", he prompts.

"And, you need to get your eyes on the road", I fire back.

He turns back to the wheel, still smiling. "Whatever you say, Mitch."

I roll my eyes but, reach my hand out for his. "And you better remember it." He gently clasps my hand and we continue down the road before coming up to a yellow light.


My phone goes off, again. "Oh my gaawd, Ryannnn." I hear Jerome trying to cover up his laughter at me from the drivers seat. "So rude-ski doodles..." I promptly say to him. He just keeps snickering at me. Phone forgotten, I unclasp my hand from his and cross my arms. I add in the pouty lip for the whole mock 'offended' look.

Now, since the car is stopped; and the light has just turned red, Jerome turns to look at me, traces of laughter fading. As he turns towards me, I turn to the window so my back is facing him. Although, no matter how hard I try, I can't fight a smile from slowly spreading across my face.

"Aw, benjaaaa..." Jerome says.

"Yes Jerome?" I say back, turning around but still fighting the smile that is trying to make a home on my face.


Both me and Jerome jump as the drivers behind us start honking their horns. Jerome shoots me a quick, almost sly smile and turns back to the wheel. "Next time, Mitch. Next time." I give a tiny laugh and roll my eyes. "You wouldn't dare."  His head swivels to look at me, and his eyes lock with mine. "Oh, but I would". I playfully smack his arm, "What happened to keeping your eyes on the road?," I fire back. "It's hard to look in front of me, when my world is beside me," he says back, looking between the road and me. I blush, only slightly, and Jerome turns his attention fully to the drive ahead of us, smirking in what I believe is satisfaction.

We continue down the road in what can only be explained as a comfortable silence. A Walmart comes into view and Jerome turns into it's parking lot. He parks the car relatively close to the front and we both hop out while I pull up the list on my phone.

"Welcome to Walmart!," a lady at the door greets. I dip my head in acknowledgment and turn to the cart corral where I see Jerome has already pulled out a cart. I grab the handles and prepare to push it forward but am stopped. By Jerome. "Forward, my trusty stead!" He shouts as he hops on the end of it. I laugh and we begin our shopping expedition.

*Ryan's POV*

"Okay, so streamers are a check. Superbly cheesy sign, check. Various chips and dips, check and check." I snag a potato chip and pop it in my mouth.

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap themselves around my neck. "Aren't those for the party?" Kayla teases. I turn around so I can give her a hug. "Yeah, for the party in my belly!" She rolls her eyes at my admittedly, terrible, joke and presses a quick kiss to my lips. "Why don't you text them real quick to see how the.. shopping trip is going?" I reluctantly untangle my arms from the hug and pull my phone out. "Let's hope they get here soon, or all this food will have 'forgot' their invitation to the party." I hear Kayla's laughter bounce off the walls of the house as she walks away. Chuckling, I quickly send a text to Mitch and join her at the front windows.

*Mitch's POV*


My phone goes off in my pocket and I reach for it. I'm pretty sure I know who it's from anyways. "Mitch!", Jerome shouts from my right. "No texting and driving!". I roll my eyes and adjust my grip on the steering wheel. "I won't be texting, just reading", I say back. He gives an exasperated sigh and holds out his hand. "No reading while driving, I'll do it." I go to give him the phone but stop short, "What, you don't think I can't do it?", I say, a little too full of myself. "Mitch, I know you can read but, you're driving."


"You aren't allowed to be distracted!"

"What about you earlier! You keep messing with me!"

"Mitch! Just give me the phone!"

"You know what?! Fine, fine! Take the dang thing!" I toss it in his lap and look up to the road where I see a car, only about a mile or so down the road, going at a very high speed. "What is this guy thinking?!" Jerome looks up and shrugs. "Maybe he thinks he is still on the highway or something..." I snort, "Or something. At least, he is on the other side of the road. I'd hate to have that guy tailgating me."

"I can't agree more, dood."

"What does the message say?" I ask Jerome.

He lets out an airy laugh. "It's Ryan, again. He wants to know when we'll be back at the house."

I glance over at Jerome real quick, "Honestly, I have no idea where we are..." I look around at the surroundings, trying to get a landmark of sort. "Um, tell him we arrrre... passing exit 52." I say, taking one hand off the wheel to point at the sign.

Nodding, he presumably types in the message. "Okaaay, and sent!"

I giggle, just a little, and look up..... Crap!That's a red light! Quickly, I apply pressure to the brakes hoping to stop and not run through the light.

"Oof" I hear Jerome quietly mumble. "Sorry dood, didn't really see it..." I apologize, looking over at him.

He slightly grimaces.

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