Nancy Jerk steal you

25 4 0

Fast Forward

"Unnie i buy a sandwitch" Rosé

"Oh okay" Jisoo

"Yummy" Jennie

~After eating~

Chaeyoung P.O.V

We eat the sandwitch and i took my phone and text Jk

Jeon Jeong-guk

Bak Cheayoung
Hi g-guk

Jeon Jeong-guk
Hi Chae

Bak Chaeyoung
What are you doing?

Jeon Jeong-guk

Bak Chaeyoung

Jeon Jeong-guk

Bak Chaeyoung
Wanna hang out tommorow?

Jeon Jeong-guk

Bak Chaeyoung

Jeon Jeong-guk

Jungkook POV
I'm with nancy rigth now so annoying aghh i wish im with chae rigth now wait where just friends ugghh Jungkook focuse.

"Babe" Nancy said

"Babe" Nancy said

"Kookie" Nancy said

"What what are you thinking?" Nancy said

"N...nothing" Jungkook

"Oh..o.k.a.y" Nancy

Fast Forward

"Hyungs Im home" Jungkook

"Finally kook is here" Suga

"Why?" Jungkook

"Bcs we miss you and stole you from us Annoying Jerk Nancy" Taehyung

" Easy bro" Jungkook

"Hahaha being forced to be bf is hard you know" Jungkook

"What forced to be Bf" Hyungs

"Yeah" Jk

"Um...okay lets eat duhh" Jin

"Hahahaha Hyung" Youngers

"Stop it you know im starving" He said

"Stay tuned guys i know its short im so busy rigth now bcs i have a class tutor"

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