the promise of something new

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" and here you are living, despite it all „
— rupi kaur

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You were used to being broken hearted. With all the events that had happened this year, you had to be. It had become like second nature to feel terrible all the time. The lack of therapy didn't exactly help with that and neither did having a dad who worked a minimum wage job.

After taking leave to deal with your losses, it was time to go back to school. Not only were you returning to education but you were also heading to a new high school — the worst place to put a melodramatic teenager. You were still grieving and to be forced into a new surrounding wasn't going to help you feel any better. Despite recognizing this, your dad let your aunt coax you into it for the sake of 'new beginnings' after all the things that had happened.

"Are you alright Y/n? You've been awfully quiet." The chirpy voice from the front of the car spoke up. You turned to face your aunt and sighed. "I'm fine, don't worry about it." you told her as you sunk lower down in the seat. Your aunt gave you a smile in the rear view mirror. Everyone could tell she felt sorry for you. It made you uncomfortable. Receiving pity from other person made you feel extremely awkward. Most people had good intentions but you could never shake the feeling that they truly didn't care.

"I'm sure you will get on fine." your aunt saw past your blatant lying and tried to reassure you. A few seconds after, she pulled up onto the curb. Your eyes gazed out the window at the massive school building. Your stomach dropped when you then realized the sheer amount of people walking about. This was something that needed some getting used to again. The pictures of Aoba Johsai didn't advertise the pure scale of the school very well even though it was obvious the place was big.

"I will come pick you up after school, have fun!" your aunt said sweetly and you huffed before getting out of the car quickly. You fiddled with your things as you attempted to get your headphones out your bag. Music was the best way to ignore curious stares you had found. It acted as a mini defense mechanism from the anxiety of new places. Bring something familiar with you and confronting the issue becomes a lot less scary.

When you finally pulled the white headphones out your bag, you stuffed them in your ears and plugged them into your phone.

You went to Spotify and put your playlist on shuffle. Shutting off your phone, you popped it in the pocket of your blazer.

Life on Mars?
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:36 / 3:54 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

A small smile appeared on your lips. Reminding yourself it was okay to be happy without the people you missed was something your dad had told you. Even feeling good over something as simple as a song was a good way to combat the bad moments.

Taking yourself out of your thoughts, you made your way inside the school building. A few people looked at you and muttered among their peers. You did your best to ignore them. They were only wondering who you were. Hopefully. It was strange for a new person to show up half way through the year after all.

When you entered the school, the first thing you noticed was the rows upon rows of lockers. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least but you plucked up the courage to continue on. You swung your bag off your shoulder and began rummaging around for your keys. When your acceptance letter came in, they sent a locker key along with it which you attached to your little dog keyring.

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