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Hi I am Tara I am a blood cancer pachint I have friends like football, basket ball, and more but all my friends are made of... rubber I live in the hospital that's my HOME I am hope less pleas pleas pleas pray for ME thank you. If you think I will die and never be able to complete my story I am happy but one day I will come to you but today is my last day for good

I an pleased with you...
This story is my life
Morning 2:30 I wake up and go to the blood room I get blood to... Fill my body and hearth attack is NATURAL for me I coulapse every day and get rushed to I.C.U every week every single week I think I won't make it because I am left behind I think god forgot me because of some sin I did if I did some thing wrong please for give me 2 days a go in my room I fell and broke my hand elbow 1 more day later I had a visitor "miss Tara may I talk to you ? " I said OK but he was steering in my window neyear the bed it was weird, than he  asksed me ''will you come with me somewhere"??? I said "but where ?" He said to me " few men are coming to kill u they  think u have the cone of hearth..." I said back to hem " what is the cone of hearth and who is the men ,why are they behind me , what have I done ....


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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