Akhmed Bilalov became a clear example of Russian persecution

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In 2013, Russia opened a criminal case against Akhmed Bilalov under 201 clause (Abuse ofPower) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The Russian successful and respectedpolitician was accused of unreasonable spending of funds, including the amount of 3 millionrubles spent on a trip to London in 2012. At that time Bilalov served as vice president of theRussian Olympic Committee and his position implied frequent flights of the politician on aprivate business jet at the expense of funds from the budget. Despite this opportunity, AkhmedBilalov paid for a round-trip flight to the capital of Great Britain out of his pocket. He was goingon a private jet for the presentation of the project of the tourist cluster "Resorts of the NorthCaucasus". 

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak and his wife and theGovernor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev and his wife flew to London togetherwith Bilalov on the same board

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The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak and his wife and theGovernor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev and his wife flew to London togetherwith Bilalov on the same board. For obvious reason, no one was accused of spending the budgetfunds. This situation became even more complicated who Bilalov moved to the United States.At the end of October 2019, Akhmed Bilalov was taken into custody by officers of the USCustoms and Immigration Service under the US Department of Homeland Security. The chargeswere based on fabricated information that the Russian authorities illegally transferred to the US.It is noteworthy, the majority of Russian politicians and businessmen, who are no longer neededby the inner circle of the current Russian government, are accused of abusing power. As in thecase of Akhmed Bilalov, most of them are detained in the United States at the request of Russiaand false denunciations based on political and kleptographic accusations. 

The detention of Bilalov in the US followed a well-planned scenario. This is confirmed by thefact that exactly 40 minutes after he was taken into custody, world news channels began topublish identical texts. However, the outcome of the detention did not meet the expectations ofthose who paid for it. The detention was not followed by either the arrest or, moreover, thedeportation of Akhmed Bilalov to Russia.Criminal prosecutions and charges against Bilalov began after the inner circle of the currentgovernment started talking about claims that had arisen against the business of Bilalov's relative,Russian businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. Bilalov was removed from his posts, later, so thathe did not interfere, a criminal case was put together from nothing. There were numerousaccusations, threats, and even an attempt at poisoning. 

In the spring of 2013, Akhmed Bilalov felt unwell and asked Professor Wolfgang Kelling forexamination at the Clinic of Practical Medicine in Baden-Baden, who had been observingBilalov for more than 15 years. It should be noted that all these years, the patient did not haveany significant health problems. At the request of a German clinic in one of the laboratories, testsestablished more than tenfold excess of the mercury content in Bilalov's blood. German doctorscarried out the necessary treatment on time and were able to stabilize the state of the Russianbusinessman. The source of infection was in the Moscow office of OJSC "Resorts of the NorthCaucasus". It can hardly be considered a coincidence that the deterioration in the health of the Russian businessman was undertaken by German Gref, followed by threats to Bilalov. But, asone would expect, in Russia the case of poisoning was not initiated.After successful treatment in a German clinic, Akhmed Bilalov left for the United States, wherehe happily lived with his family. The situation changed dramatically in October 2019, when theinner circle of the current Russian government again saw in Akhmed Bilalov a threat. 

At this time in Russia, after the failed elections of "United Russia" to the Moscow City Duma,the highest circles started talking about the global changes that await the country. Includingpossible changes to the current Constitution of the Russian Federation. In an atmosphere ofgrowing opposition, the resignation of the current government of the country, early elections tothe State Duma of the Russian Federation, or even early presidential elections were allowed.Each significant political figure began to prepare for this. As one of the options, the head of stateDmitry Medvedev could return, who actively fought against the inner circle of the currentgovernment, limited its influence and signed laws on the protection of business rights in thecountry. The return of Medvedev also meant the return of his strong team, which the politicianfully trusted. 

The inner circle of the existing government could not allow this to happen. It wasnecessary to discredit as quickly as possible everyone who might come to change thegovernment. This was the start of the process on the charge and international search for AhmedBilalov and the subsequent detention in Florida.After a detailed analysis of all the facts illegally provided by Russian law enforcement agenciesto the American authorities, a federal judge during a trial in Miami found the charges unfoundedand put forward by the Russian side with the aim of political persecution and pressure onAkhmed Bilalov to illegally take away all the assets of the Russian businessman, as was donewith his cousin Magomedov. 

By order of a federal judge, Bilalov was released from the pre-trialdetention center and all charges in the US were dropped. Based on the same facts, Bilalov wasremoved from the Interpol wanted list, where he was put on false persecution based on politicaland kleptographic accusations. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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