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The next day, although they didn't have classes, both Johnny and Jaehyun woke up early and accompanied Taeyong to his classroom. Taeyong was confused but shook it off as Johnny and Jaehyun wanting to make sure he was alright after his breakdown the night before. He kissed them both on the lips a little shyly before he turned to leave. "Angel! We'll be waiting for you at the Starbucks next door! Come meet us when you're done!" Taeyong spun around with a little grin on his face, "Jae does that mean you're buying me my cotton candy frappe?"

Jaehyun rolled his eyes playfully and nodded. "Yes, now go into your classroom! See you later Princess!"

He turned to look at Johnny and chuckled, "We're going to have to deal with him on a sugar high tonight, you'd better be prepared!"

Taeyong was counting down to the end of the lesson. The moment the bell rang, he began packing his notebook and pens into his bag, ready to sprint to Starbucks. "Not so fast, Princess"

Taeyong spun around and faced Junhyuk, who had a sneer on his face. Oh no. "W-what do you want?" Taeyong mentally facepalmed when his voice cracked. Junhyuk cackled evilly, "What do I want? I want to be the basketball captain. I want to be in the position that was stolen from me by one of your boyfriends, slut.""He did not steal that position from you! Johnny worked so hard for it, stop being sore about it and just accept that he's better than you at basketball!"

Junhyuk's face darkened. "I see you're being mouthy huh? Forgot that you're just an intruder on Johnny and Jaehyun's relationship? Just a little home wrecker? If I were you I'll have disappeared from their lives instead of taking advantage of them in the first place."

Taeyong's eyes burned. Was he really intruding? Was he really barging in on a relationship he had no place in? Was he really a home wrecker? He loved them, he really did. Was that so wrong?

Just then, someone grasped his hand and pulled him backwards into a warm embrace. Taeyong startled at the sudden movement. When the smell of grass and rain reached his nose, he relaxed. Jaehyun. Jaehyun and Johnny had arrived! He looked up into Jaehyun's warm brown eyes, overflowing with love and adoration. Jaehyun smiled, his dimples showing, "Hey Princess, sorry for being a little late. We figured something had to be up when you didn't come running in! Your frappe is waiting for you in the car. Let Johnny handle Junhyuk and we can leave."

Looking over Jaehyun's shoulder, Taeyong's eyes met Johnny's, who gave him a slight grin, before his face hardened as he met Junhyuk's gaze. "What do you think you're doing?"

Junhyuk sneered, "Typical. Taeyong's so weak he needs you guys to defend him. How charming. I wonder how long it'll take for you two to get tired of this slut? Another week, maybe?"

Johnny growled lowly, "Junhyuk, I suggest you keep your mouth shut before I help you close it. Don't you dare call Taeyong a slut." Instead of looking fearful, Junhyuk laughed mockingly, "Oh really? What're you gonna do? Kick me off the team, maybe? Oh right, I forgot, even the captain can't kick people out! Who do you think you are?"

Jaehyun smirked knowingly, "Sure, the captain can't kick you off the team, not without a valid reason. I wonder if bullying is counted as a valid reason though? We could do a little experiment and show this video of you insulting Taeyong to the principal? See if he'll remove you then?"

Junhyuk's face paled. He knew that if this video got to the principal, there was no doubt about it, there was no way he was going to stay on the team. As Johnny picked up on the fear in his eyes, he too smirked, "Not so brave now, are you? Learn to pick on someone your own size in the future. And show me some respect, I am the captain after all. Now, run along and don't you dare give us anymore trouble." Jumhyuk scowled angrily. He knew his hands were tied and he turned around and left.

The moment he left, Johnny turned to his two boyfriends, who were still locked together, and smiled, "Right, can we go to the car now then? Jae and I've set up the room for a night of Disney movies!" Taeyong giggled, his boyfriends really were the best, huh? And he had a frappe waiting! "I love you guys! Let's go!"


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