Chapter One

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I never really felt as if I "fit in" at home. Well, I can't even call that place home. After some constant abuse and torture, you realize that a home and a roof under your head are two different things.

Bruises all over my body they tossed me out like some stray dog. You might be thinking why would my family kick me out? Well, that is an easy question to answer. The problem is that I believed and when my parents found out things just spiraled out of control. I used to live in a city where 80 out of 100 people went to church just for a show. Didn't believe in the gospel. Didn't believe in Jesus Christ nothing. My parents and my siblings were apart of those 80 people and as you may have figured by now I was one of the very few individuals that believed.

"Mom please buy me a bible for my birthday." I had dared to say

"Why do you want a worthless book."She said, "I can get you a better novel you don't need a bible."

"B-b-but the pastor said the bible is the greatest book of all time." I retorted of course she wouldn't know that all she did was put on sunglasses and sleep throughout the whole service.

"Young lady if you don't stop with that attitude of yours we are going to have a problem."

I kept quiet. Didn't reply. Children, my age would have talked back but not me. The pastor once said that one of the ten commandments is to honor your father and your mother. I didn't want the Lord to be angry at me for not respecting my mom.

Well, the thing is that I didn't have a Bible until I was 15 years old. Believe me, I had tried owning one. Multiple times in fact but whenever my siblings caught me with one thing would go west.

I would get punished severely. I did not mind the physical pain at all but I felt my insides burn and my heart shatter whenever my bible got burned. They would hit me, starve me for a few days just enough for me to be exhausted and left restless. Even so no matter how much pain they inflicted on me nothing could ever compare to the trauma of me witnessing the pages filled with the wisdom of my Lord being burned to ashes.

By the time that I turned 13. I had given up. All, I could rely on was the word that the pastor would share with us every Sunday and if I was lucky my parents would be pretending to socialize with other church members I would discreetly go and have a session with the pastor.

"God has a plan for you dear, for God is the reason you were made and the reason u will suffer, prosper as well as die just have faith because your life isn't based on what you want but on God's plan."He said with such sincerity and love glowing in his eyes.

One day he will set me free from the chains holding me back.....

Author's note

Thank you for taking your time to read my book please vote comment and share.

So the character in my book is not like those other people who start off as rebels and then see the light later on. She is going to struggle because she saw the light from the very beginning and wanted other people to see it too. Don't be afraid to share the gospel guys you could help one or two people enter into the kingdom of God.

I hope my writing inspires you. One way or the other

Jesus Loves You

Thank you


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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