Comic Con

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*This is when they are getting ready, Lili and Cami are helping Kenzie*

K- Omg I'm so nervous
L- It's ok, don't worry me, Cami, and Cole are going to help
Cami-Yes it's so easy!
K- What do we even do there?
Cami- Autographs and A LOT of in interviews
L- yeah a lot of interviews
K- That is what I don't like, I have social anxiety
L- Oh so do I, it gets better after the first one
K- Okay

K-Omg you look so pretty guys
Cami- Yesss you guys look awesome
L-Thanks guys so do you guys!

*At comic con*

As soon as the get there they are bombarded with fans. They are getting out of there bus, first is Lili then Camila then Madeline then Vanessa then Kenzie then KJ and Cole thought it would be funny for Cole to come out riding on Kj's back then trinity comes out then Casey and Charles. Everyone cheers and keeps asking for photos or they are saying hi to them. 
First they have an interview then another and another and at least two more that day the they have the fan interview and the signing tomorrow.

"Ok first interview." Kenzie says to herself. "Don't be nervous Kenzie you got this." Cole says to Kenzie "Thanks Cole but, I'm still nervous." Kenzie says back to Cole.

I- Ok what do we think we have in store for Juliet this season
K- Well, I really can't spoil anything but let's just say it's going to be a lot.
I- Cole, Lili?
C and L- Yes?
I- is Juliet going to be a serpent princess in this season or apart of the serpents?
L- Yes and no.
I- what do you mean?
C- well Juliet will be apart of the serpents but we aren't entirely sure is she will be the princess
I- ok well do we know if there will be anymore kids from the other characters?
M- Yes, but we will not specify who yet

They answered a lot more questions in that interview

After they finished all they went back to their hotel room all very tired as soon as all there heads hit their pillow they were asleep

377 words

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