Part 71 - surprise

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I woke up the next morning and my legs hurted like hell. I turned around but Payton wasn't there. Were is he?
I got up from bed. It was really hard to walk but I managed to walk out of the room and into the hallway. I didn't see anyone. I walked down the stairs and saw a note on the kitchen table.

"Open me"

It stood on the paper. I opened it and in it. It was little note writed in Paytons style.

"Hey baby. Good morning. I hope you slept well. I did ;). Well I have a surprise for u today. Jackson is also coming and we are gonna meet some people there so come on. Walk outside I already have all the things we need. Peter is not coming with us. I know we are not with me so much. But at least we are trying. And this time my mom and your mom is not coming with. But come outside and meet me and Jackson. Love you princess!"

I smiled after reading the note and I put it down. Took my phone and my wallet and walked outside. Locked the door and I turned around. I saw payton standing infront of he's car. With Jackson in the backseat.

Y/n: We are?
P: Yeah we are! Haha
I still had a lot of pain in my legs but I tried my best and ran to Payton. I jumped on him and he grabbed my ass to keep me in place. I kissed him on the lips and then pulled away:
Y/n: I love you so so so so so so much
P: Love you more princess. But come on we got to go to the airport now!
I jumped into the car and so did Payton. He drove of to the airport.

*skip to hawaii*

We got out of the airport with the car we rent:

J: So where are we staying?
P: Well you me and y/n are gonna meet some of the people at a house I rent.
Y/n: Who is the people.
P: You will see baby
He started to drive again

After 20 minutes we was at the house. It was huge.
Y/n: Btw Payton how long are we staying?
P: 3 Weeks
I jumped out of the car and ran into the house. Were I saw all my friends:
K: Hey baby I missed you
Y/n: OMG Kate I have missed you so much
I hugged her really tight.
M: Hey love
Y/n: MADI!!!!!
I hugged her too
C: Hey bebe
Y/n: Hey cynt missed you
C: I missed you more.
Then it was the boys. Josh, Noah and Chris. WTF. Noah no no no not Noah. I hate that guy.
N: Hey y/n!
Y/n: Hey I faked smiled.
J: Hello sis
Y/n: Hey Josh and hey Chris.
Ch: Hey
P: Well we are gonna go to the bedroom we will see y'all tomorrow okay?
Everyone: Yeah...


( Hey sorry for not posting. I just started school again. Gonna try to post as many times as I can. I live y'all and thanks for 154k reads means the world to me.)

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