Chapter Eleven: Raptors

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"Lowery?" She pauses as Lowery speaks on the other side of the phone, "He's using the raptors?" Claire screeches, catching Owen and Anne's attention.


"Son of a bitch!" Owen curses, now rushing them more.

"You shouldn't say bitch," Gray says and Anne gives him a deadpan look.

"You shouldn't either Gray," She playfully growls before turning serious.

The doors in front of them start having bangs sound out through the closed space Owen and Anne lead them. Owen, Anne, Zach, Gray, and Claire start backing up.

"Get into the Jeep!" He yells. They start running to the Jeep. As they are a quarter ways to the Jeep when the people break through the doors with flying dinosaurs flying ahead of them.

By then, everyone in Anne's group start sprinting to the car. Owen gets into the driver seat as Claire gets front, leaving the three youngest in the back.

Anne jumps into the back and right next to Zach as Gray sits right behind Claire and next to Anne, "Go! Go!" Anne rushes as Owen puts it in reverse, driving away from the people.

"Can we stay with you?" Zach asks Owen and Anne.

Claire, not knowing he was talking to her coworkers, answers, "I'm not leaving you as long as I live," She promises as she looks back at them, receiving head shakes from her nephews.

"No, no, we mean them," Gray says while Zach points at Owen and Gray grabs Anne's arm.

Owen smirks and Anne smiles and looks to the older Mitchell, "I feel like I know you!" She says, smiling while confused.

Claire, now looking forward, answers that, "You do. Those are your Mitchell boys' Anne," Claire smirks and Anne gasps.

"My Zachy and Gr-Gr?" She whispers to Claire.

Zach and Gray share a look from the realization, "Ann?" They question at the same time, syncing their movements to look at the blonde woman as she nods.

"I remember that nickname," She cries softly, smiling. She gets crushed in the middle of the Mitchell sandwich. She groans, "I'll die if you keep doing this to me,"

They loosen their grip, "Well, now I have my best friend back," Zach says out of nowhere.

"I'll gladly take that achievement," Anne smirks.

Once they get to the Raptor's padlock, the three younger human beings get ordered to stay in the car, "'Your too young for this.' 'You can't do that.' Blah blah blahhhh," She mocks as she crosses her arms.

She then sees Owen go up to Hoskins and sock him in the face, making all three of them since but show some appreciation.

Gray stifles his laughter, "So what's up with you and Owen?" Zach wiggles his eyebrows and she groans.

"Why'd you bring that up during, like, the apocalypse," Anne exaggerates, rolling her eyes.

Zach rolls his eyes at her exaggeration, "It's not the apocalypse," He says, deadpanned.

Anne turns her head to see Vic Hoskins pointing at the Jeep she is currently in. She sees him wave her over. She hesitates to get out but does so.

He looks her over as she walks over, making her mentally gag, and say, "So this is the dinosaur whisperer," He smirks and she gets questioning glances.

Owen looks at her with a questioning gaze. He thought what she told him before all this started was a joke, he thought she was kidding.

Anne swallows her saliva, almost gulping, "I-I don't know what your talking about," She stutters. Now she knows it will be revealed.

Hoskins has a smirk painted over his lips, "I've seen you do it. You can't lie. I've seen you save a person's life with that ability," He whispers before yelling, "A charging T-Rex heading straight for a coworker who didn't heed her warnings, falls into the padlock. The dinosaur stops right when you step in and starts roaring at her but she just calmly talks to it," He stops yelling, "Now your coming with my men," Be jabs his finger on her breast and she grabs his finger.

She pushes it behind his back along with kicking over one of his legs so he's kneeling. All of the guards with guns point them at her. She leans down and whispers in his ear, "Don't touch me," A growl leaves her throat once she's done. Then she lets go and stalks away from everyone.

She hears a faint, "Lets move it out!" order from Hoskins.

She listens to the raptors chatting to each other along with her as she leans near them.

She looks to all four of them, "Good luck, try not to die out there and try not to kill us," She jokes before Owen comes and starts petting them, whispering reassuring things to them.

"Are they safe?" The two adults turn to see Zach and Gray standing a few feet away.

Anne shakes her head as Owen answers, "No they aren't," At least he's being honest and not lying to them.

"We are not!" Blue chirps and Anne giggles, causing attention to go to her.

"What'd she say?" Zach asks, smirking.

"Well. Let's just say she doesn't agree with that statement Owen," She smirks and Anne walks away before going to the Jeep, searching for a phone.

She finds one in the middle console and she types in a number she'll never forget. It rings and rings but there was no answer. Anne was left on voicemail.

"You've reached Belle Marshall! Please leave a voicemail after the beep!"


"Uh, hi Belly. I know it's been quite some time but I'm probably gonna be dead by dawn. Just know...." A sob racks through her body, "-just know I love you, Belle," Then she hangs up then slides to the ground.

Belle Marshall never picks up when Anne needs her the most.

Word Count: 977

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