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The world was a peaceful haven. All would give and recieve their share, and no one person was more important. Once, people would care for the planet they lived on, and would take only what they needed from the all-giving Earth.

That was once, a very long time ago. So long, in fact, that we only have the ancient books and scrolls as reminders of that time. It is said that history is conflict and change. Sometimes, however, the change can be bad.

The old records stated it as "The great temptation," an evil thing that grew popular across the Earth. It was an alluring, colorful, beautiful substance that caused feeling of power and control. It was a treasure then, it is forbidden now.

It was, and always will be, the downfall of mankind. 


The plot for this book was inspired by my own dream world, and that's why I feel so comfortable writing this story. I apologize in advance for any sentimental outbreaks that might occur in the text. I guess i'm hoping for heaven before I die.

- Doom

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