Chapter 2

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"Ouch!" Marinette exclaimed as she tripped over the steps. Chloe took immediate action and caught her. Right before she fell face-first on the floor. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why did you do that?"

"Do what? Catch you?"

"Yeah, you've never done that."

"Marinette, I've been this way for almost a three day's now. Have you not noticed?"

"Umm, no I haven't."

The bell rang and they went to class. As soon as Chloe sat down Nathaniel looked at Chloe with content eyes. As to say; 'good job I'm proud of you.'  Nathaniel immediately turned away blushing realizing what his eyes were saying.

Chloe started to blush as well but too scared to emmit it. 'Do I like her? No there's no way we're just friends. Right?' Nathaniel thought as he started to work on the assignment. Chloe was thinking the same thing.

By, the time class ended everyone noticed that Nathaniel and Chloe were blushing. By the time school ended Chloe and Nathaniel were feeling malaise. "So, should we work on you know what?"

"Sure, let's get me ready for that party. Oh, by the way, its public this time."

"Oh, really."

"Yep, so we're going to have to figure out costumes for both of us."


"Yep, let's go!" And with that, they were out of there and on the way to the hotel. By the time they got there and in Chloes' room, Nathaniel was out of breath. "My, that was quick!" Nathaniel said gasping for air.

"Oh, sorry I just want to find the perfect outfit!"

"Girl, may we please work on getting you ready social wise on Holloween."

"Oh, fine. But can we work on costumes later?"

"Fine, let's get to work," Nathaniel said rolling his eyes. Chloe giggled but not the type of giggle that Nathaniel. Was used to Chloe giggled sweetly unlike the other. Times shes' giggled they were of bullying purposes.

But, this was a different side to Chloe. One that Nathaniel liked to see and hopped that. He could see more of. As they worked on Chloe and getting scared easily they grew closer than ever. "Ok, no that we've gotten jump scares under control. Let's work on decorations."


"Ok, so what was your limit on decorations again?"

"I'm fine up to the whole room filled with them."

"Ok, you mean your fine until you can't walk in the room anymore? Right?"


"You're fine with decorations then," Nathaniel said shaking it off. "Oh, really. So we're done technically?"

"Yep, we're done we'll go through it again right before the party. Ok?"

"Yep, We don't have to work on getting the costumes now. But can we at least work on what costume to whare?"

"Umm, I guess sure."

"What about a prince and a princess?"

"No, absolutely not!"


"Noo, Queen bee!"


"Oww, I think you just burst my eardrum."

"Oh, sorry."   

"Werewolves are fine."

Chloe and Nathaniel decided to get out of the hotel for a bit. And go to the Dupan-Chang bakery. They went in at separate times though so no one suspected anything. Nathaniel went in and noticed Marinette knowing he wont be able to avoid her.

"Hey, Marinette."

"Hey, Nathaniel, weird question. Why are you hanging out with Chloe? Do you like her? Is she forcing you to? Are you guys friends? Are you guys a thing?"

"Woman, wow stop!"

"Oh, sorry I'm being nosey."

"Yeah, yeah you are."

Chloe came in next and Marinette just walked of in a huff. "That's the weirdest response I've ever gotten." 

"To many question's. Way to many question's."



"Ah, Nathaniel, Chloe," Mrs. Dupan-Chang said as they got to the counter. "On a date?"

"Wh-what!?!?" They both said in unison. "N-no just a get t-together!" 

"Oh, ok. So what do you want."

"Umm, I don't know if she does but I'll have a sticky bun."

"I'll have a slice of monkey bread."

"Comeing right up."

A few minutes later they had there food and went over to the park. "People are probably thinking we're a thing. Huh?"


"Why, do people just assume and not ask?"

"I don't know. Nathaniel, what are you thinking?"

"Huh, oh nothing."

"Come, on your thinking something."

"Seriously it's nothing."

Nathaniel went back to staring into the abyss. Little did Chloe know Nathaniel was thinking how it would. Be like to be a couple with Chloe. 'What would it be like to be in a relationship with Chloe.' 

'Nathaniel is hiding something I know it but I will leave it alone for now.'  Chloe thought as she finished her monkey bread. She had forgotten a napkin so her hands were sticky. "Uhhh, Nathaniel......"

"Say no more. Hear you are."

"Thank, you Nate." 

Chloe said takeing the napkin and damping it a bit then wipeing her face and hands-off. When Nathaniel finished his food they had to go their seperet ways. By the time Nathaniel got home his feet were sore. Because his place was pretty far away from where they were.

"Pfft, I'm tired."

"You must be pretty tired if your not taking off your shoes."

"Hey, mom and sorry for not taking off my shoes."

"It's ok. What were you doing?"

"Hanging, with a friend."

"Well, thank you for taking of your shoes. Pluse where were you?

"On, the other side of Paris." 

"With your girlfriend?"


Nathaniel turned away in embarrassment to what he said. "I didn't mean that."

"I know you didn't. Just watch your saying without thinking. ok?"

"Okay. Yesh it's almost ten! How did it get so late? I have school tomorrow!"

"Well, then get to bed you don't want to be late."

"Thanks mom!"

Nathaniel kissed his mom on the cheek and ran to his room. "Nathaniel."


"Oh, nevermind."


By the next morning Nathaniel was still exhausted and didn't want to go to school. "Nathaniel, get up your going to make me late for work."


"Nathaniel, Kurtzberg get up now!"

"Uhg, fine I'm up, I'm up."

"Oh, shoot. Nathaniel hurry up it's 7:55."

"Gah, why didn't you tell me sooner!?!"

Nathaniel hurriedly got ready and he and his mom ran out the door.       

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