Heading Home

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A/N: The above is the surprise! I had that commissioned and the artist is 3jo. Check out their Facebook page here, https://www.facebook.com/003jo, and contact them if you'd like some art done. They are very good at what they do. 

The character in my picture is based off of my features because I am the author and when I am writing, I imagine myself in the story. So what you can do is just imagine yourself in my place as this is a picture of yourself as well.

Let me know what you think. Anyways, onto the story.


As they were putting their suitcases in the car, Narancia groggily came down to see them off, the others still asleep. She hugged him tightly, he grew to be like a little brother to her.

"Don't worry, a month will go by quickly and when I get back, I'll be sure to heal yours and Abbacchio's bodies up just like Bruno's. Okay sweetheart. Give my love to the others too when they wake up.", (Y/n) said before giving him a kiss on the forehead and getting in the car with Giorno, Bruno and Rosalina.

Checking in, Giorno gave (Y/n) an upgrade to a first class seat, despite her protests. They all walked to the gate where the plane was currently boarding.

(Y/n) squeezed Giorno's hand, not wanting to leave his side as she looked at him teary eyed.

"I left you a letter on your vanity. Read it when you get home and then I'll call you tomorrow when we made it home okay.", (Y/n) told him befoe giving him a long kiss, hugged him tightly and took a deep whiff of his chest. Giorno laughed at that before she let go and ran away to Rosalina and Bruno. Turning around to wave bye to him, he saw tears running down her cheeks just as the gate attendants closed the door.

His heart hurt seeing her cry but he knew it wasn't forever. So he waited and watched her flight take off before driving back home to read her letter.

The house was still quiet, so he knew everyone who lived there was still asleep, so he made his way up to his floor and went straight to his walk in closet to find the letter leaning up against some cologne bottles. He opened it and read it silently.

'To my beloved future husband,

I miss you already and I can't wait to be back in your strong and warm arms again. It physically hurts me when I cannot be around you easily now. I already made up my mind that this is the last time we'll be apart for this long. But I just have to remind myself that it's only a month. All three of us will be back home soon.

Speaking of coming back home, I've been thinking, after we get married, how about letting me officially join the familia? I want to go on missions too! I have a few ideas in my head about what I can do for the people, so everyone can have a better life.

Anyways I will ask my parents to film the ceremony for me so you too can see me walk across the stage.

With so much love,

(Y/n) Giovanna

P.S.- I really love the sound of my name with you last name.'

He smiled and chuckled to himself. He'd let her join him and his team on missions and of course would love to hear her suggestions. But for now he wanted to keep her all to himself. So when (Y/n) returned home, she'd have a special mission just for her, getting ready for their wedding.

They already discussed it together and decided to have their wedding at the end of September. He actually sent her and Bruno with 8.5k Euros each and they were going to exchange it when they landed. The money was for a dress (and all the accessories) as (Y/n)'s mother wanted to bet there for her dress fitting. Bruno was going to be there so he can somewhat tell him what the dress will look like so they can match a little.

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