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"You're the one they call the chemist right?" A sketchy looking man said as he slid out a chair and plopped down at the almost completely empty table.

"Depends on who's asking." The original occupant of the table replied.

"Name's Clayface." The man said, momentarily letting his face drip into his signature look.

"What do you want with me?" The man known as the chemist asked.

"I've heard rumors that you might be able to help me with my little predicament." Clayface said, leaning closer with each word.

"Which is?" The Chemist asked, genuinely having no clue as to what the man was talking about.

"This!" Clayface yelled as he grabbed a wad of clay from the folds of his suit and threw it on the table. "Crime is nice and all, but I just want to be human again."

The Chemist let out a genuine laugh at this. "Ya I can help, if you have a couple hundred grand."

Clayface growled and clenched his hand into a fist.

"No method of payment, no deal." The chemist said in response.

"I might not have the money, but I do have a way to get it."

"Oh ya, tell me about this get rich quick scheme of yours."

"That's none of your business."

"Alright, as long as I get the money I guess it doesn't matter where it comes from."

"I'll see you once I have the money." Clayface called as he left the room.

"Alright, let's go over the plan again." Clayface said while facing his hired goons.  "I'll disguise myself as Wayne's ward." As he said this his features melted into those of Richard Grayson. "Once the brat leaves we wait 5 minutes before going in."

"Wait, won't they be suspicious, you coming in after only 5 minutes and all?" The smartest of the three thugs asked.

"I'll just pretend that I left something behind."

"What did you leave?" The thug asked.

"Nothing! It's just an excuse if anyone gets too nosy, got it?"

"Got it boss."

"After that, I just have to manage to get myself kicked out."

"Wait, how ya gonna do that boss?" The lead thug asked, obviously confused.

"Leave the details to me, they don't matter right now. All that matters is that after that the boy will be out on the street, and it'll be simple enough to scoop him up and hold him for ransom."

"What makes you so sure Wayne will want to pay ransom for someone who he kicked out?"

Clayface paused, the thug did have a good point there. After a few moments of thought he answered, "I'll explain what actually happened to Wayne in the ransom note."

"Are you sure that plan is going to work?" The lead thug had the nerve to ask.

"This plan is practically foolproof." Clayface shot back. Doesn't say much when the details are in the hands of a fool. Clayface realized after saying this that one key part of the plan was in the hands of the thugs. They had to successfully kidnap Richard Grayson.

Hello everyone... McBrube here. This is one of my first books, and I'm super excited to share it. I hope that if anyone notices any grammar, spelling, or content mistakes they will kindly point them out so I can fix them. I think I'll plan on updating this book once per week... though I may be persuaded to update more often. Thanks for reading!


P.S. sorry for the short chapter... I'm going to try and make them longer... heh heh

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