Chapter Two

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Luna was on the phone with her Abuela, and she was explaining what happened.

"Oh my, Luna, are you okay?" Her Abuela asked, her voice was sweet sounding and very small.

"Yes, Abuela, just a little rattled," Luna said as she looked at her dad, who was taking the bodies from the truck and putting them into a van.

"Have your dad call me in a few minutes," Luna quickly said she would and hung up.


Luna's face was shining in the sunlight, her eyes were glowing, and it made Chibs do a double take, the young girl was definitely a beauty.

She was talking to Gemma, who was standing with Chucky and her laugh was echoing in the Parkin foot of TM.


"You serious?" Luna asked as she looked at Chucky with a skeptical look, she wasn't sure she believed him.

"Yes," He said, as he nodded and she laughed, she couldn't believe he had a condition called CMD, Compulsive Masturbation Disorder.

"I don't know if I believe that," She laughed as she looked at the man, who was missing fingers, from getting into an encounter with the Chinese.

"I accept that," He said as he nodded at her, and Gemma laughed with them.


Luna was inside of the clubhouse, being introduced to people.

She noticed some crow eaters glaring at her.

"What?" She questioned, her voice now deadly and they all stepped back, clearly a little taken back.

"Just wondering what's so damn special about you," A woman who wasn't scared of the short little woman said as she looked at her.

"I just killed 3 men and I'm the daughter of Happy Lowman," She said it with an almost calmness that made the girls all shiver even the whore that stood up to her.

Eventually, the girls just left her alone and she heard Gemma laughing behind her.

"You act just like your dad," Gemma said and Luna tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and chuckled softly.

"I get that a lot," She said as she looked over the crowd of people and found him.

He was talking to the Scotsman, Chibs, if Luna remembered correctly. Luna always had a thing for a man with an accent, and Chibs was quite handsome in her eyes.


Chibs felt the eyes on him and he only guessed that it was Luna.

The beautiful girl that was Happy's daughter and who he knew would kill for the club if need be, just like her dad.


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