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"Get up!" My best friend Jamie screamed at me. I rolled onto my stomach, burying my head in my pillow as hot tears began to fall. Again. "Rachel. I swear. Get up. Get in the shower and put on a dress. We're going out."

"I don't want to," I said, my voice mumbling into the pillow.

"I don't give a shit what you want. It's been three weeks since you caught that scum ex-boyfriend of your's in bed with his neighbour. It's time to move past the crying phase and move onto the drunk phase," Jamie's words came out perky at the mention being drunk. "Chrissy and Annie are meeting us there. No men. Just drinks and dancing. Come on!" Her words were punctuated with a slap to my blanket covered ass. I ignored her, pulling a second pillow over the back of my head. Jamie groaned in frustration before walking into my ensuite bathroom, turning on the sink. Moments later she came back. "Those were some pretty flowers in the bathroom. They're in the garbage now. But the vase. The vase is full of ice cold water and if you're not out of that bed in 10 seconds I swear to God, Rachel, I'll dump it all over your pretty little head."

I jumped out of bed. Her threat wasn't an idle one. "Fine," I grumbled before heading to the bathroom.

"And shave your legs," she hollered after me.

"If there's no men, I don't need to shave," I shot back.

"Shave. Your. Damn. Legs!" I rolled my eyes before closing and locking the door. I wouldn't put it past her to come in here and shave me herself.

Twenty minutes later I emerged, shaved, scrubbed and polished, wearing my going out robe. I couldn't lie. It was definitely and improvement and I did already feel a little better. "Sit," Jamie directed me to the seat in front of my vanity. My blowdryer, curling iron and makeup were already laid out. I sat and patiently let Jamie turn me into her personal doll whilst she danced to her Spotify playlist. Once she was done with my hair she moved on to my makeup. A dark smokey eye and dark red lipstick covered my face when she was done. Looking at myself in the mirror I didn't recognise myself. My caramel brown hair was curled in soft ringlets, falling on my shoulders, but even the smoky eye and layers of mascara couldn't hide the dullness behind my dark brown eyes. Tears welled in my eyes again as I looked at myself. "Shh," Jamie cooed, wrapping me in a hug. "You're okay. We've got you."

I sniffed, straightening my shoulders, doing my damnedest to not let more tears fall for that ass hole. Nodding my head at Jamie in the mirror I stood, walking towards the closet to get dressed. "Fuck yes," Jamie hollered when I stepped out of the closet in an emerald green tube top dress that stopped well above mid-thigh. If I bent over my ass would be visible and my pussy too. The lace thong I chose to wear didn't actually cover a damn thing. The nude heels added some much needed height to my 5'3'' frame. "I'm calling a cab before you change your mind," Jamie said as she absentmindedly pulled up the app on her phone. "You look smokin'," she wolf-whistled at me as I walked down the hall towards the front door.

The trip to the club took less than ten minutes. Once we'd arrived I stepped out of the car onto the sidewalk and Chrissy and Annie were immediately flanking me, Jamie following behind as we walked to the bouncer. Annie flirted shamelessly as she talked us into the club much to the frustration of the crowd waiting in line. Jamie linked her fingers between mine while Chrissy did the same with Annie. I was promptly dragged to the bar where a round of tequila shots were ordered, despite my protests. Groaning I took the first, of what I'm sure would be, many shots of the night. "Let's dance," Annie yelled too loudly in my ear.

"No!" I protested immediately. "I'm not drunk enough to dance yet." My friends collectively whined, talking over and through each other to try and convince me. "Vodka soda," I ignored them ordering a drink from the bartender who was chuckling at our interaction.

Wicked Embers: Rebel Souls MC #1Where stories live. Discover now