R e g r e t T r a i l e r

16 1 0

He wanted to be friends. So you got in touch.

'I hate you! You fucking lied to me!'

'Lied to you?! You lied to me! You said you would meet me! You agreed to meeting up!'

'It's not like we haven't met before! I told you no! I told you forget about it!'

'So I tried to forget about it! But the truth is-'

• • •

You walked into the school, guilt churning in your stomach, you felt guilty.

You said some stupid shit. You should've never texted him. All you're feeling is regret.

• • •

The day that you found out.
He had a girlfriend, he got himself a girlfriend a week after what happened! Only a week?!

Some desperate freak! Ugh he was just in it for the publicity!

• • •

'Everybody gets hung up on me, it's fine' He shrugs

'I'm sorry? What?'

'It's fine to be mad at me for being in your head, I'm used to it'

'God you are such an ass! You really think everyone is obsessed with you! You're damn right, everyone is obsessed with the thought of KILLING you!'

• • •

You ended up not eating on that breakfast morning.

In fact. You started to lose your appetite completely.

It was his fault. You blame him.

He didn't know how badly he hurt you, right?

• • •
You text him

To him: I heard about your girlfriend
From him: yeah and? What about it?
To him: sucks dude, sorry.
From him: thanks I guess.

• • •

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Liked by hxpe.kat and 234 others
You: I hate to say I told you so😘
hxpe.kat: 😍😍😍
bby.lila: stunning🥺❤️
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• • •

Mrs Diane tells you that your group can rehearse outside of you classroom.

You tell your group the news and you hear a choir of joy come from them.

However what you know is that the drama room is next to the music room.

He takes music.

It's fine! It's fine! You probably won't even see him! Stop thinking like that! You thought to yourself.

You walk outside the classroom behind your group and none other than the boy himself is sat on a stool playing guitar.

Of course he plays guitar, one thing to attract you further to someone you don't wanna be attracted to.

He plays but every now and then watches you rehearse.

• • •
You text him

To him: hey, what did you say to me earlier?
From him: when I saw you in music?

He noticed you.

To him: yeah you mumbled something to me.
From him: that's kinda hot
To him: oh shut up😂 seriously what did you say?
From him: I can't remember

Of course, he can never remember anything.

• • •

You felt drawn towards texting him everyday, it started to become an unhealthy obsession.

So you knew what you had to do.
You needed to rant to somebody.
You had 2 people for this.
It was either Denise, who already knows pretty much everything. Or Kat, who doesn't know anything yet.

You trusted Kat with your life, and although Denise knew about this event,
you felt bad about not telling Kat yet.

So you told Kat...

...and she hates him.
She hates how much he has changed your mental health.

You text him.

You text him.

You text him.

You text him.

You text him.

• • •
Kat demanded that you stopped texting him. She helped you stop. It was as if you were quitting drugs.

He was your drug.

He was bad for you.

And yet you felt on top of the world whilst using him.

• • •
Months had flew by and you were doing AMAZING. You were a much better person and you took care of yourself.

You made new friends based of your taste in music.

But of course when it came to music. He drew you in.

This time however, you drew him in.

• • •
He texts you.

The ball is in your court now, what are you gonna do?

You wanted to be more than friends. So you got in his touch.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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