Ryland nick and y/n

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It was 6pm already time flew fast. I received a text from nick saying that they were outside. I walked down stairs and proceeded to walk out of the door ignoring Nessa and josh. Then before I walked out I remembered that I left my necklace that josh gave me on my birthday in the living room. The only problem was josh and nessa were in there. Holy shit. I just decided to walk in grab my necklace and leave. So I did that. I walked in quietly and went to the place I last left my necklace I realised it wasn't there. Then Anger struck me all through my neck down twisting around my ribs and sinking into my stomach bc I had just saw a nightmare. My necklace was on nessa neck. she was wearing my god dang necklace. That necklace was so important to me and I wasn't so angry at nessa I was at josh. The fact that he gave her it and let her wear it was so upsetting. As I stood there heartbroken josh stared at me. Then he said "y/n I'm sorry let me explain" i was so disgusted and horrified. So I walked out fast and told myself that I didn't need that stupid necklace any way. I just wanted to get out of there. Period.
I walked out and saw ryland and nick in the car and walked up to them I got in and we went to a soccer field and scored some goals.
Time skip: I was now home. I walked inside and headed straight to my room. I showed and got dressed. I wore one of nicks hoodies that he gave me awhile ago. I checked my emails and saw that I had a photo shoot tomorrow!! And then realised my school year was starting in 2 days yay not. I fell asleep since I was tired.      Time skip: the next day. I woke up and 8am and remembered I had a photo shoot. I wasn't so excited for this one bc it was a quite scandalous. The clothing showed lots of my body. But I shrugged it off and got ready. I didn't make to much of an effort since I would be getting a makeover at the photo shoot. I walked down to get some water and I saw josh. "Hey" he said "hi" I said. "Your still ignoring me woman are so weak" he said "WHAT stop woman are wonderful. At least we don't rape and catcall and harass at least we have respect for people. Don't you ever ever say anything like that it's not cool. Josh Richards your disgusting" I yelled I walked out of that house and just headed to the shoot. Aswell as unfollowing josh on all platforms. When I was at the shoot I was fitted into my cloths and i got some photos.

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