3:00 AM

515 42 39

Shouta often stays up late.

It wasn't weird to see him in the common room,his laptop illuminating from the table and a cup of coffee in his hand.Ever since the Kamino incident and the Shie Hassakai raid,he tends to stay up a little later than usual.He would check the cameras for anything wrong and often finds himself comforting a few students who couldn't sleep.

And usually,he'd find them chilling on the rooftop.

He'd find Todoroki stargazing whenever he had nightmares about his childhood.He'd find Jirou humming a tune whenever she didn't like the quiet.He'd find Tokoyami gripping the steel bar as the guilt washes over him from loosing control of Dark Shadow.He'd find Bakugo have a panic attack about his kidnapping.

Nearly all of his students have at least stayed awake and left their bedrooms and was met with the comfort of their homeroom teacher.

All except Midoriya Izuku.

The problem child isn't just a problem child,but a stubborn one too.

Shouta would notice the way he'd yawn during morning classes and doze off for a few seconds before snapping back to reality.He knew the kid was staying up late and he knew he was having nightmares.

It wasn't uncommon for hero students to have nightmares.Shouta gets them too,everyone does.

He's just worried about his problem child not asking for help.The man is willing to give some sort of support.He even asked the boy if anything was wrong,to which he anxiously denied.

Midoriya was bad at lying.But he could tell the boy needed some space.

He told him once that if he ever needs help,he could go to him or any other teachers he could trust.It wouldn't be a surprise for him to see the kid go to All Might,considering their bond;but all he wanted was the kid to be asking for help,when he ever needs it.

His colleagues had suggested he'd get some more sleep,seeing how he looked like he'd passed out any second.

Chiyo,aka Recovery Girl,had been scolding him numerous time for his inconsistent sleeping schedule and had advised him to sleep early.

Of course,Shouta declined,but they were convincing him to get a full night's rest,even just once.It also seems his students were trying to convince him too,going far as to actually ban him from drinking caffeine until he sleeps a full night.

Shouta would never admit this,but it warmed his heart whenever his students showed how much they cared for him.

So he reluctantly agreed,that he'd sleep for one single night,just so they could stop pestering him.

He agreed that after one more scheduled patrol,he'd get a full night's sleep.

And he did.

That Friday night,after checking the dorms for the last time,he went off and retires in his room,certain that the night will be alright.If the students need anything,they could wake him up,but by judging how determined they were to get their sensei some rest...

Yeah,he might be asleep for a couple of hours.

Shouta changed into his PJs and plopped himself onto his bed.He glances over to his phone,checking for anything he needed to know or see.

So far,everything seems ok.It was around 9:30 PM.

So he puts away his phone,resting it on the bedside table,before turning the lights off.The drowsiness immediately fuelled him,almost catching him off guard.He laid on his bed,placing his head on his pillow,and relaxed.

3:00 AMWhere stories live. Discover now