Chapter 27

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Yoongi choked on his water and threw it all over the table. It was a matter of luck it didn't wet Myeong Jo.

"Say that again."

"Park Jimin is here in this universe. He's back." Myeong Jo repeated the same sentence but her elder brother took too much time to process her words, bewildered by her startling revelation.

He stared at her. "Are you kidding with me?"

"What? No! Why will I mention a joke like this? He's really back, Oppa. He's been following me for more than a week. Everywhere!"

She crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair. They were in Myeong Jo's apartment in the dining hall, taking their dinner.

Yoongi clenched his fists. "Where's that bastard?"

She widened her eyes. "Bastard? I thought you liked him."

"Need to remind you what he did to you? That thing he did that almost killed you; I will never forgive him. I really want to punch the shit out of his face and do so many things that—"

Myeong Jo sighed. "Oppa, come to the point. Jimin is following me everywhere I go. He shows up at my workplace and sits inside my room, he walks with me when I walk back. And if I ever feel like getting some fresh air and standing on the balcony, guess what? He's standing in front of my house too! I mean isn't he stalking me? And I can't even turn him away!"

She was feeling both conflicted and exasperated by Jimin's unexpected return. A part of her was happy to see him, but that didn't mean she should allow him in her life.

While she finished her meal and proceeded to wash her dish, Yoongi was still thinking of punishments for Jimin.

"I admit I didn't give him a chance to explain why and how he's here. But yesterday, he bought a hotel for himself! In my area! He's the reason the rumour about me getting married has spread all over Facebook. And he keeps smirking that he's gonna marry me and stuff."

When there was no response from her brother, she looked at him and found him deeply thinking about punishments, his fingers rubbing his chin.

"Oppa!" She shouted at him. "Stop thinking of punishments! It won't work. Think about how you can get rid of him.”

She sat on the white couch to watch TV. He walked towards her and sat beside her.

"Why do you want to get rid of him? You loved him.”

She glanced back at him and her cheeks reddened. "Umm...well—”

"Hey, you're confused about your feelings. You say you love him and the next second, you say you hate him. It's complicated, I can understand that." He patted her shoulder, understanding her internal struggle.

Her brother was right. She was uncertain about her current feelings for Jimin. "It's like if I see him, I always want to hug him. But something holds me off. I think it's that time. The time when he banished me from his heart and treated me like a criminal. That painful memory is stopping me from going back to him."

"Why will you go back to him? He hurt you. You can't just forget everything and run into his arms.” Yoongi leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes.

Myeong Jo sighed and forced her eyes on the TV.

"But how on earth did he get here? And why? You didn't ask him?" He asked, opening one eye.

"He said he's back for m-me,” She replied softly. "He said I was more important than his Kingdom. So he abdicated his throne, left everything behind and came here."

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