Chapter 5

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Lauren was lounged sleepily on the sofa when there was a knock on her door.

She huffed, knowing her parents were out and she'd have to answer the door. She opened the door and before she could react there was a set of arms wrapped around her waist.

"Camila?" Lauren mumbled in confusion, bringing one hand up to wrap around Camila's shoulder and the other move to stroke her hair as Camila hid her face in Lauren's neck. "Sweetheart, what's the matter?"

"I can't handle it anymore."

"What? What can't you handle?"

"I don't wanna be sad anymore. I wanna take this feeling that you make me feel and go with it but there's that voice in the back of my mind telling me that I don't deserve to be happy because my mom doesn't have that chance anymore."

"Baby, you're mom dying wasn't your fault." Lauren stressed, her chest tightening when Camila sobbed against her neck. "You're weren't driving, ok? You were fourteen and she was trapped in a three thousand pound car, there was nothing you could've done."

"I should've tried harder."

"You think this is what your mom would've wanted?" Lauren asked, pulling back and cupping Camila's face with her hands. "She wouldn't want you to be doing this to yourself or this." Lauren rolled up Camila's sleeve, tears springing to her eyes when she noticed a fresh wound. "She would want you to be happy." Lauren said, her voice cracking slightly.

"I can't be happy. I don't deserve to be."

"Of course you do." Lauren said, pulling Camila back into another hug. "Please believe me when I say you deserve to be happy. You deserve everything you've ever wanted and I might not be able to give you that but someone will."

"Why are you crying?" Camila whispered against Lauren's neck.

"I hate seeing you hurt yourself." Lauren croaked, lightly closing the door with her foot. "I hate that you think you don't deserve happiness."

"Can I please stay here tonight? I can't deal with everyone in my house right now. I need you, I need your stupid sense of humor and the fact that you don't think about what you say around me."

"Of course you can, sweetheart." Lauren whispered against the side of Camila's head. "I'll need to text Ally, though. Tell her you're here."

"I know."

Lauren nodded, pulling back and looking down at Camila.

"I'm sorry." Camila mumbled quietly, using the pad of her thumb to wipe the tears from Lauren's cheeks. "The last thing I wanted was to make you sad."

"You make me happy." Lauren corrected. "I'm just sad about how you treat yourself."

"I make you happy?" Camila asked with a frown.

Lauren nodded. "Really happy, actually."

"You make me happy too, happier than those pills do."

"Are you comparing me to pills, wow, you know how to make a girl feel special."

"Just call me Casanova."

Lauren laughed, nodding to the sofa where she had created her own fortress of pillows and a duvet. "Would you like to enter my castle, me lady?"

"You're a loser." Camila said as she followed Lauren over to the sofa and sat down.

"Get comfortable, we're watching Friday the Thirteenth."

"Love these movies." Camila said.

Lauren held up the covers to Camila, the younger girl took them and settled into Lauren's side.

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