Chapter 1

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A/N- sorry guys everything is pretty much the same. It automatically deleted my story so i'm just reposting it.

    "What about this one?"
    "O-M-G are you crazy? Johnny Dagar? Could you not pick the biggest jerk in the entire school?" Leya scoffed at her best friend for trying to get her to admit that she was actually attracted to Johnny.
    "Oh come on Leya. You know you have always been attracted to him. Why don't you go out with someone like him. He's hot, mysterious, well toned, and just the finest eye candy in school. I'd date him."  Alex licked his lips as he looked at the yearbook picture of Johnny.
    Leya laughed at him as she observed how much he appreciated that fine piece of art. She has never been one to ogle over some guy. Although she did think Johnny was very good looking. "Why don't you go for him. Even though I'm sure he is straight because he tends to date the same girls in his circle of friends."
    "You just ruined my whole fantasy. Thanks a lot L." Rolling his eyes he closed it and put the book down on the bed.
    Turning around she could see Alex looking uncomfortable. "What's wrong?" She walked over to sit by her friend. "You want to talk about it?"
    Alex just gave her a smile. "Well, it's kinda stupid.." He pauses as if thinking about telling her or what he should tell her. "It's just that Kyle and I aren't talking like we used to and I actually thought he was interested in me. He's so adorable and sweet and now I'm thinking he is playing me."
    Leya didn't really know what to say to him. That's kind of what she expected but she still didn't know what to say. She hadn't always had great relationships herself. "Have you even told him how you feel about him. Maybe he's unsure about your interest in him. Try calling him. Talk to him about it something. you must communicate with someone if you are going to be in a good relationship with him."
    "Since when did you know everything?" Alex looked at Leya wondering why she didn't have some nice guy or a million guys chasing her. She was so beautiful and sweet. She always knew the right things to say even when she didn't think she knew what to say.
    Ha yeah right like she knew everything. She just tried to think of what her parents always told her as a child. Not that it ever helped with her relationships or rather lack of. At this point she really didn't want anyone. She enjoyed being single and not having to worry about the drama that came with all this high school dating thing. "I don't know everything it's just what my parents always told me as a kid. It's not like Kyle can read your mind. I mean you don't even know what might be going through his mind."
     So with that she decided to lighten the mood by going over to the movies and pick out some chick flick so they could just be happy they have each other and just imagine the perfect couple in the movie cause God knew that there wasn't one single perfect couple in this world. "What about a good romance? The Notebook? It's my favorite."
    "I thought A Walk to Remember was your favorite." Alex said with a raise brow.
    "Okay I have a lot of favorite chick flick movies."Leya started counting how many on her fingers. There were a lot. "I don't just have one favorite. How about we watch them all? Or maybe just a few?"
    Alex contemplated for a second. "Sounds good. We have each other and that's good
enough." Leya gave Alex a big smile. So they crawled up into Leya's big bed and turned on the movie.
    After watching The Notebook, Message in a bottle, Dear john, A walk to remember and The Last Song they weren't really tired they had eaten so much junk food to last five years. "You want to go out for a walk or something? I'm not tired. You?"
    "No, but doing something sounds nice and if I was straight I'd probably want to do some major something but a walk actually sounds really nice."
    Leya just looked at Alex because of his unnecessary comment. "You are so weird." She just laughed at him. She did love him though. He always said the most random things that always kept her entertained.
    They put there shoes on with their pjs and tip-toed downstairs to the back door and went out the back gate to go walk. For a while they didn't say anything. Until they got to the lake down the street from Leya's house. It was the neighborhood's lake. Always their favorite place to go talk and hang out. They kinda claimed it when they were younger that this was their lake and no one else's. They just let other people enjoy it occasionally.
    "So do you think you will talk to Kyle?" Leya finally broke the silence. She could see that he was thinking about something real hard and she figured it was about Kyle.
    Alex looked at her with a look that seemed so strange on his face. He was being really serious right now. He really had great feelings for Kyle. She wish they would just talk to each other. She saw the way that Kyle looked at Alex. Every girl looked at him like that until they found out he was gay. Poor girls. Leya never thought of Alex like that even thought she did think he was a good looking guy but he was like her brother.
    "Yeah maybe I should just talk to him. Tell him how I feel. I mean he could reject me and then I'll be sad but I've never been one to just mope around 'cause of some guy." Alex said in a little bit of a sarcastic tone.
    All Leya could do was look at him until she figured out if he was being sarcastic or serious. Sometimes he hid behind the sarcasm instead of showing his real feelings. He'd done that their whole lives. "Okay... Well, I think you should talk to him. If you really like him why not take a risk. I don't want you regretting not trying if there is a possibility that he wouldn't turn you down."
    Alex thought that through before he said anything. He knew she was right he would regret it if he didn't take a shot at Kyle. "I guess you're right."
    Leya just sat back crossed her ankles and sat on the heels of hands. Mmmm perfect. The night is clear and the moon looks beautiful glowing across the lake. And my best friend is next to me. This is all I need. Alex watched Leya get so comfortable like she was in her element. She had always been comfortable in her own skin. He envied her that.
    Eventually they both woke up cuddled up to each other by the lake. In the early morning the lake was incredible. They each seemed to notice and take time to appreciate the miraculous beauty of it. Before they knew it the sun was rising up higher in the sky and they looked at each other and took off running back to Leya's house. It wasn't a long way but her parents always got up before the sun anyways so they prayed they would make it before they got into too much trouble.
    Leya couldn't believe they had fallen asleep by the lake, or maybe she could, but on a school night. They were so screwed. She would be grounded for at least a month and Alex would be grounded too. Their parents were really close all because of the birthday and pool parties and sleep overs. Well at least they would be grounded together.
    Finally, they made it back to the back door, and all the lights were out. They hoped that her parents hadn't gotten up yet. So they opened the door as quietly as possible and slid inside.
    So far they were in the clear. They started up stairs and then ran to Leya's room.

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