Chapter 1- It All Started With The Unexpected Guest...

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Creator Note: So I'm not the best at writing stories—but I came up with this one at like 2 AM. And decided "Why not give it a try?" So it's not going to be the best—but I hope you enjoy reading this!! The characters rightfully belong to RosyClozy. Except for the ones I made up myself.

Date: October 12, 2020
Creator Note:

Hello again! So I edited this story since it wasn't very well written I hope you enjoy it ^^

{~No Ones POV~}

It's been a few weeks since Jake decided to join the Music Club, and Zander has started hanging out with Jake more often...forgetting about Luke.

Luke, of course, was jealous of this...But he decided to keep quiet and act like everything was okay. He didn't want to ruin whatever friendship or relationship those two had built up.

Plus, Luke knew he could trust Jake. He tried doing anything and everything to get everyone's trust.

{~Luke's POV~}

The class was pretty boring. Nothing has changed these past few weeks. Well apart from the fact that me and Zander are more distant than usual. Zander has recently started hanging out with Jake, and he pretty much forgot about me... but there's no point in complaining. Plus, Jake already earned my trust so I know he won't try to hurt Zander.

The bell suddenly rang and everyone got up from their seats.

'Class already finished? That was quicker than usual...' I thought to myself

I looked at the clock, 'Man since when did class end this early...?' I was a bit confused but decided not to think too much of it, it's not like it was really important.

Plus, now he had more free time to think about Zander—wait no! I needed to use this time wisely...

I started walking to the club room, I passed many empty classrooms on my way there. It was a bit strange but I shrugged it off when I heard the principal speak through the speakers, ''As you guys might've noticed the bell ranged earlier than usual. The reason behind this is because we want the Music Club has asked for extra practice time.'' I was confused by this announcement, 'We asked for extra practice time...?'

When I entered the club room I realized that I wasn't the only one confused by the announcement, no one in the room asked for extra practice time. I quietly entered and Hailey was the first to notice me, "Hey Luke!" she said cheerfully. I gave her a small nod and a smile as a reply.

We all talked for a few minutes and agreed to start practicing.

{~No One's POV~}
~A Few Minutes Later~

There was a sudden knock on the door, standing there was a woman and a boy just around Luke's age.

Luke was surprised when seeing the two familiar faces at the door, the others didn't know who these people were, "Hi, how can we help you?" Hailey asked.

There was a silence for a brief moment, the woman then spoke up, "We're here looking for Luke."

Everyone in the club room was confused and their gazes were soon all on Luke,who was now even more surprised then before, "Mrs. Smith?!" Luke quickly said while walking over to the door to hug these two complete strangers, "Oh, Luke! You've grown so much since the last time I saw you!" Mrs. Smith said while hugging Luke.

Lukes Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now