capítulo uno

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Kirishima's POV

"Hey! Wait up, Bakugou!" I chase after him until I'm treading enthusiastically by his side. Gasping for the air that left my lungs as I ran, I take a quick look at my surroundings. The afternoon breeze tickling leaves as it blows in the trees, the hum of students chattering and making plans for the weekend, the slow breathing of Katsuki Bakugou.  

"What the fuck do you want, Shitty-hair?" He grumbles. He's slouching, and giving off an unpleasant aura, but I don't mind that. His eyes are focused in front of him, in the direction of the dorms, where we're headed to. 

"It's Friday," I point out, trying to spark a conversation. I turn my head, so that even though we're walking side by side, I can see his irritated face. "Do you have anything planned for tonight?" 

He scoffs at my efforts to talk and picks up his pace a little. Not in the mood to chat, huh? I match his speed and speak again. 

"If you don't have anything planned, then you can hang with me tonight. Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and I are going to hang out in the common space of the dorms at six o'clock. We are going to eat dinner together and play games, you should join us." His lips formed a natural pout as he stayed silent. For a short moment, it looked like he thought about my offer, but then he shrugged it off and directed his attention back to the dorms. Unbothered by my presence, I guess. I sigh.

"Oh, come on, Blasty McSplode, you should hang with us, for old times sake?" I plead once more. His eyebrows furrowed in an annoyed manner. He stopped walking and shifted his gaze to me. My walking came to a halt as I turned to face him. I'm waiting for him to say something about the nickname I used. But all I see are his cherry-red peepers glistening in the afternoon sun, his blonde and messy hair flowing freely, and his broad shoulders that rise and fall with every breath he takes. He glared straight into my eyes. 

"What fucking old times?" He questioned in a gruff voice through gritted teeth. The strain visible on his displeased features.

"Oh come on, Bakubro, you remember the bakusquad, right?" I smiled in a delighted manner with a hint of a playful smug in my expression. My hand makes a light fist and I playfully punch his shoulder. It's not hard, just a tiny tap that wouldn't even hurt a toddler. But that was all he needed to find a reason to end our conversation.

"Fuck no," he said and turned to walk away. "and leave me alone, Shitty-hair! You're so God damn annoying!" He shoves his hands in his pockets and walks into the dorm building. I sighed and followed him in. We both live here after all. 

He walks into the elevator first and presses the button labeled, "5."  I enter the elevator after him and he let's out an angry "tch." I hold my left elbow with my right hand nervously and try my best to not to trigger the bomb standing next to me. 

The elevator shuts so I look around at the metallic interior to see the usual surroundings. A hand railing at waist level line three walls, and then the silver doors occupy the last wall. To the right of the doors is the floor panel, in front of where I'm standing. As we go up, we stand in silence. I debate in my head if I should try talking to him again, but change my mind when my phone dings. He looks disgusted at me as I unlock my phone and read the text message Kaminari sent to our group chat with Sero and Mina as well. It read, "What do u guys want to eat tonight? ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯"

The elevator dings as I starts replying. I wait until I hear the doors start to open to walk forward, my mind busy writing the perfect response. 

All of a sudden, I crash into something. My eyes shut in fear as I release my phone. I tumble and meet the hallway ground just outside of the open elevator. It happened too fast for me to recognize what was going on until it was too late. Groaning from the sharp stings throughout my body, I try to think of what I bumped into. Part of me knows while the other part of me doesn't want to find out if it's true. I slowly crack open my eyes to see a furious glare staring back at me. 

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