Disk Wars

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Laser lights flashing. A large dance floor filled with men and women dancing and having a great time. Light fog fills the area.

Bartenders bobbing their heads to the beast of the music while fixing drinks for their customers at the bar.

Upstairs men and women are leaning over the railing with drinks in their hands listening to the music.

Gabriel aka Jericho(s) silhouette is seen on stage. In front of him is his DJ equipment. on the sides two fog generators.

Gabriel(s) silhouette has one hand over his headphones and the other on the deck.

A silhouette of a man dancing with two women are seen in the crowd. She has one arm in the air and the other holding her upper arm with her hips swaying. She has a smiling on her face.

 Gabriel(s) silhouette of his hands are scratching the deck.

Another woman his dancing with her girlfriends with two men behind them. One is juking her while the other is juking one of her friends.

 Gabriel is bobbing his head up and down.

Another woman is arguing with her boyfriend by the stairs to the second floor and the woman in a silk party dress passes by them heading towards the bar.


"Stop staring jerk."

Man 1

"Come on bay, don't be like that."

The woman in the silk party dress sits down in front of the bartender closes to her.


"What can I get ya hun?"


"I'll have a Caribbean sunrise"

Bar Tender

"Coming right up."

The woman looks back towards the pact dance floor while the bartender fixes her drink.


"This place is insane."


"Yea, I love working here, it's, electrifying."

 The silhouette of Gabriel is seen scratching the deck bobbing his head with his headphones on. Colored laser shine on him and the fog conceals him further. The whites of Gabriel(s) teeth are seen as he smirks.  Men and women are dancing and enjoying themselves on the dance. floor. The woman looks over at the stage.


"Whose that? He's good."


"Yea, really knows how to work the deck doesn't he. His names Jericho, until a couple months ago he was a nobody..."


"Interesting, tell me more."

Gabriel(s) silhouette continues scratching the DJ deck.

Lights shine over Gabriel while he's DJ'ing revealing him to the reader. He is wearing a hoody with the hood up. At the bar the woman is sipping her drink watching Gabriel DJ and the bartender is cleaning a glass behind the bar.


"... His tracks almost seem like they cast a spell on whoever hears them, entrancing them. I've never seen anything like it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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