Chapter 7 Alyssa and Bobby Driving to Snake Eye Human's Lair

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Bobby:Do you even know how to drive?
Alyssa:Did anybody ask you🤪
Bobby:I am guessing No😤
Alyssa:Let's just drive
Bobby:You need to be 18 to drive
*Car Goes Fast to 207 MPH*
Bobby and Alyssa:AHHHHHH!!!!!
*Gets Dizzy*
Bobby:We are here
Alyssa:Ok but First...
Alyssa:Let's get Oreos
Bobby:But Not when it is 3 in a Morning
After when they get Oreos
*Kicks Of Bobby and Alyssa*
Bobby:I knew it was a Bad Idea
Alyssa:Hey at least I got the Oreos
Bobby:Ok let's go inside

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