Chapter 1

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"Delaney," my dad called from the car "could you go open the front door to the house?" I nodded as he tossed me the keys. I hurried to the front door of our new house shoving the key into the lock and pushing it open. It was pretty small...and really empty. I stood in the door way trying to convince myself that I was dreaming. Trying to convince myself that we were back in Oklahoma, that I wasn't about to, basically, start over but I knew the truth and I knew that there was no going back, especially not after what my dad had to go through to get us here.

"Hey Honey, I'm really glad that you think our new house is so...marvelous that you could stare at it forever but I'm about to drop all of these boxes." my dad said in a strained voice. I scooted out of the way so he could get through.

"Sorry Daddy, it's just really pretty." I said in mock excitement. I wasn't excited to be here. I wasn't excited to be living in a new house; but most of all I was absolutely terrified of going to "Rose Lake High." What if nobody likes me? I thought to myself as I made my way over to the car and grabbed a few boxes.

"Delaney, you wanna go grab some dinner?" dad knew me so well; it was like he knew when I was hungry. I finished decorating my room, pulling my beadspread up to my pillows, and ran into the kitchen to grab my cell phone. I raced outside to wait for him in the car.


"That'll be $10.27 at the window sir. Have a great night!" The lady over the speaker said as dad concluded our order. We pulled up to the window and dad handed me the bag of tacos from taco bell.

"Mmmm," I could smell a mouth-watering aroma coming from the bag, "this smells delicious! What did you get pops?" I cracked a smile, I looked down into the bag, seeing that he got my favorite dessert.

"Your favorite," my dad said with a cheesy smile, "Apple empenadas, made to perfection." I went to put my hand in the bag while my dad turned to pay, but the lady at the window had a huge smile on her face, spoiling my plan to eat a piece of dessert.


We pulled into the driveway, and we both hopped out in sync, racing to the front door; my dad was like a child trapped inside of an adult's body...but I loved him with all of my heart. He was my best friend.

He pushed the door open and I set the food on the table, grabbing a gatorade from the fridge.

"You want water, pepsi or gatorade?" I shouted from the fridge. He reached around me and grabbed a pepsi, raising his eyebrows.

" Dig in!" he said as I sat down at the table


I pulled on my pajamas and plopped down on the couch to watch the Chicago Bulls and Miami Heat basketball game.

"7 seconds remaining on the clock in the 4th period, the score tied 93-93. Michael Jordan steals the ball, he goes down the court, for a right handed lay-up and puts it, flawlessly, in the basket! The final score is 95-93 the bulls take the win!" I screamed with excitement!

"Daddy! They won!!!" I did a victory dance and thundered down the stairs, running into my dad.

"I guess this means I have to hold up my end of the bargain?" I looked at him, pondering my answer.

"That's right old man! Ice cream after school tomorrow, and don't be late!" I stuck my tongue out at him, "Good night dad. Love you." I hugged him.

"Night Delaney, don't stay up too late. Love you." He kissed my forehead.

"See you in the morning!" I turned to go to my bedroom, but his hand stopped me. I turned back around to face him, I knew what was coming. We'd had this conversation many times over the past several years so I had the questions and answers memorized.

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" My head was spinning with all of the answers I could give him, but there was only one that seemed befitting to tell my dearest father...

"Not at all, dad." I gave him a weak smile, "Tomorrow is going to be great! I'll make tons of new friends I'm sure!" That sounded convincing, even to me. I was turning into a repulsive liar...

"Oh alright, I just want what's best for you, that's all." I know daddy, I know. Everything you's for me. I thought to myself.

"I've got to head to bed." I said and I ran up the stair case.


I try not to lie, but sometimes it's better. I did it to spare my dad's feelings; I was just another thing to worry about, and I hated that. I told him that I wasn't nervous but that was a lie.

"Nervous? pssshh. Me? Nervous? Why would you even ask that?" I said to myself as I jumped under the blankets on my bed.

"I'm not nervous...," I shut off the light, and looked outside of my window, "I'm terrified." I whispered.


A/N: Hey guys! So, I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm really excited about co-authoring this book with MouseWeasley7 and I can't believe how smoothly it's going already! I'd really love some feedback from all of you amazing readers/writers out there! I hope you're having and awesome day! I'm going to start trying to ask some questions but it's kind of a trial and error situation so if you guys comment back I will love you forever!!!!!!!

So, first, do you guys get along with your siblings if you have any?

Second, do you guys watch sports on T.V? If so, which sports, and what are your favorite teams?

Finally, have you guys ever transfered to a new town and a new school?

Feel free to answer these questions, or don't...but I would love to here your answers!!!! Bye guys!!!

Next Update: Next Saturday

Teaser: First Day of School

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