When he falls asleep on you

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Chan :

- Chan invited you to go to amusement park with him.
- both of you were there the whole day.
- after a long day of enjoying in the amusement park, Chan and you decided to return home.
- you guys went there on a bike.
- actually it was your bike so Chan decided to sit behind you.
- after sometime of talking you realized Chan wasn't answering.
- you saw in the side view mirror that Chan had his chin on your shoulder and he was sleeping peacefully.
- you smiled at how cute he looked but also thought it was unsafe coz he was holding on to you lightly.
- so sadly you had to wake this baby up for his safety by stopping the bike at side.
- this time he'd be sleepy but aware.
- but he'd rest his chin on your shoulder for the rest of the ride.

Minho :

- it was freezing cold outside.
- you were at home reading a book while Minho was with the boys.
- around 6 or 7 in the evening you heard the door open.
- you got up keeping the book aside and walking over to him.
- you saw him covered in all winter garments with a woolen cap on his head.
- he was shivering.
- you took of his coat, and then his jacket and hugged him.
- "Please hug me I'm feeling so cold"
- "let's go and cuddle ok Lino-ya?"
- he nodded as you to went to your room and lay down.
- he layed down on top of you and on top of you both was the huge fluffy blanket.
- after sometime you'd hear him snoring lightly.
- you quickly pecked his head and drifted off to sleep, making sure to wake up again to cook dinner.

Changbin :

- you were on your phone.
- he had rested his head on your lap and he was on phone too.
- the next thing he did was keeping his phone aside and taking your phone away too.
- you whined but he kept it aside
- he told you to run your run your fingers through his hair.
- cause it makes him feel comfortable.
- you loved playing with his hair too so you didn't protest anymore.
- time passed and you realized he fell asleep.
- you quietly smiled at yourself at how beautiful he was looking.
- suddenly he moved his head to get comfortable and you felt it ticklish on your legs.
- you squealed because of that and it made him flinch and he fell on the floor.
- both of you started laughing at each other lol.

Hyunjin :

- he'd come home from practice and hug you instantly.
- when you let go of the hug you'll see his eyes were puffy and red and he also had tear strains down his cheeks.
- you asked him what happened.
- " I had an argument with Minho hyung about our choreo and I ended up getting into a physical fight with him. Later Jeongin told me I was doing it wrong the whole time. Now I feel bad."
- you told him to go take a shower.
- it took him a long 30 minutes to come back and eat the dinner.
- you could see guilt in his face.
- "can I be the small spoon today?" you nodded pecking his lips.
- he lay down in your arms, his arms loosely wrapped around you, your legs interwining.
- you saw him sleeping instantly, maybe because he was too tired as you quickly pecked his forehead.

Jisung :

- the party was really nice.
- everything was drunk except you because you're still an underage.
- though Chan and Changbin didn't drank much to take the boys home safe.
- y'all had to push them into the van.
- you sat at the back sit with Jisung.
- he was already drooling on you so you had to clean his face every five minutes.
- slowly he connected your hands with his.
- "I want us to be forever"
- you looked at him to see he was sleeping.
- he was sleep talking.
- whatever, you smiled to yourself thinking Jisung wants to be with you forever as you guys headed back home.

Felix :

- you could tell he was sleepy as he was playing games for the last 4 hours and has been yawning.
- finally he put the Xbox down on the table and pulled you to his lap.
- " I'm tiredddddd cuddle me to sleep"
- the next thing he did was laying on his stomach on you.
- you played with his hair and sometimes he played with your hands too.
- after sometime you felt his breath getting stable.
- you looked down to see him sleeping peacefully.
- finally you secured him with your arms loosely.

Seungmin :

- it was late at night when Seungmin returned from the party all drunk.
- " you kNow whAt HaappnD? JisunG hyUNg poureeeed thE wHole BottlE oF cHamPagNE on meee" he said laughing.
- he was literally tripping every step.
- you took him to the bathroom and changed his clothes.
- you put the paste on the brush and asked him to brush his teeth but instead you had to do it.
- you put him on bed and lay down beside him as he hugged you tightly.
- " I ha- aniyo I love YOU SO ᵐᵘᶜʰ ʸ/ⁿ!"
- he wrapped his arms around you.
- "gOoD mOrniNg Y/N, sleep wELL"                                       

Jeongin :

- this boy was crying because of all the stress from the upcoming comeback.
- he'd put his head on your chest every night.
- it'd calm him down from all the stress.
- your heartbeat sounded like music to him.
- every night he'd fall asleep like this.
- you're happy that he was yours while he would think he was sooo lucky to get you.
- he'd think if you're not there he had to cry himself to sleep.
- you always try to cheer him up.
- by singing songs with him while cuddling.

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