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As Suga looked around the crowded house in a daze he thought, How did we get here? He took a moment to remember, and thought, Oh, that's right. Bokuto.


"Kuroo! Guess what?" Bokuto exclaimed through his phone when his friend picked up.

"What?" Kuroo responds, excited.

"My parents and grandparents are out of town, so I have my grandparent's mansion to myself! You know what that means?"

"Where is it? I'm on my way. I have alcohol. We should invite Karasuno, Seijoh, and both of our teams, and we can have a party!!!"

"Exactly! You're always one step ahead of me bro!"

"I love you bro!! No homo though!"

"Love you too! No homo."

"Okay, but really. Where is this said, 'mansion'?" 

"It's house number xxx on x street."

"Okay, that's not super far. I'm with Kenma, so he'll be there too. Be there soon."

"See you!"

Kuroo hung up and walked over to Kenma, who was playing Animal Crossing. 

"Kenma! We're gonna go to Bokuto's mansion!" Kuroo exclaims happily.

"Two things. First, I don't want to. Second, Bokuto has a mansion?" Kenma responds.

"Well, it's his grandparent's mansion. Also, please come with me! We're gonna invite Seijoh, and Karasuno, and Fukurodani, and our team, and we're gonna have a party!" Kenma perks his head up. He slips off his headphones.

"Shoyo will be there?" 


"Okay, I'll come with." He slips his headphones back on and picks up his switch. He stands up and Kuroo smiles. He grabs Kenma's hand and pulls him along to his car. Kenma gets in the passenger's seat and Kuroo hops in the driver's seat. Kenma looks in the backseat and sees a large bag.

"Is that alcohol?" Kenma asks.

"Irrelevant." Kuroo says. Kenma sighs, and they start driving. Once they arrive at Bokuto's place Kuroo hops out the car and grabs the bag. "Woah. This is much bigger than I thought it would be." Kuroo states in awe.

"Yeah." Kenma says, glancing up. They walk up to the front door and knock on the door. Bokuto answers the door and yells, "Hey hey hey Kuroo!!"

"Hey Bokuto!" Kuroo yells back and walks in the huge mansion. Kenma walks in behind Kuroo and doesn't even glance up. 

"Hey Kenma! How have you been?" Bokuto asks the smaller teen. 

"Pretty good." Kenma says, uninterested. "Will Shoyo be here?" He asks Bokuto.

"Well, you certainly have your priorities straight!" Kuroo says.

"Will he?" Kenma asks again, looking up at Bokuto.

"Yeah! I asked the Karasuno team, and they all said yes." Bokuto responds. "Well except for their managers. They were hanging out tonight, or something."

"Good." Kenma simply says and looks back down at his game. Kuroo smiles at Kenma and ruffles his hair. Kenma ignores Kuroo, and the three start to walk to the kitchen.

"That the alcohol?" Bokuto asks, gesturing to the bag Kuroo was carrying.

"Yeah, we should put it in the kitchen." Kuroo responds.

"Yeah. I have some too."


The two started to set up for the party. Pretty much all of Seijoh, Fukurodani, and Nekoma were coming too. They got snacks, set up the alcohol, and start to clean up around the house. They locked some of the rooms the guests would not be allowed in. There was a pool, too, and the two took the cover off the pool. The entire time Kenma was just sitting on the couch, playing video games.

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