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Alright, so perhaps I am panicking a little. I cannot believe I was so calm and collected about this whole thing at the start. I suppose it might have been because the person I love most was not right here sleeping next to me. I am most likely over thinking this. I do not know. I just need to think of the best way to sneak away from her. Ah, I am panicking too much today. I will have a better explanation tomorrow morning. Perhaps.


Post-script: I am much too restless for this lie that I will sleep. I am writing by the dying embers so I should make haste. I will remain with her a while longer and make some good memories before I leave. Then, in the night, I shall run and not stop until my legs ache and my lungs are gasping for air. Just so she shall not find me again. Like a cat about to die, I distance myself and meet death alone. Well, not death, but you know what is going to happen.


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