ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Hailey POV
After middle school my mom decided that she wanted to switch me from schools. So now i have to go to my first year of high school in a whole new different school which i do not know anyone. I got ready pretty fast today all i am wear is an oversized hoodie, jeans, and boots. I walked outside and got in my moms car, "are you alright for today sweetheart" she asked sounding more worried than me "yes mom ill be fine" she smiled and kept on driving. We finally got to school i huged her goodbye and went inside. This place was huge there were lockers on each side of the hallway and everywhere you looked there were people. I snapped out of my fantasy when the bell rang for 1st period. I hadn't gotten my schedule yet so i ran as fast as i could to the office. When i got there i was greeted with a smile "hey darling, what can i help you with" said the lady at the front dest which btw had a southern accent. "Oh umm hi, I'm here for my schedule" "oh ok good ahead and sit over there and I'll get right with you" she said pointing to the chairs in the corner. I thanked her and took a seat then two girls walked into the office. "I told you to hurry or we were gonna be late" "i didn't realize what time it was". "Hi miss Adam we are here for late passes" the 1st girl said sounding kinda cheerful. Miss Adam i guess is her name looked at them and said "another one so soon" they all started laughing "go ahead and take a seat ill be right with you". That's when I realize there were four seats and i did not want them both sitting next to me so i got up and moved the second i heard what she said. I moved to the seat that was closest to the door and they sat on the complete other end. I started spacing out looking around the room cause it was full of colorful posters.

Maxine POV
After i sat down i kinda looked at that girl that was sitting there with us by us i mean me and my sister. She was looking all around the room at the posters and stuff hung up on the wall. I have never seen her before i think she might be new. "Hey psst" whispered my sister "I've never seen her here i think she might me new" "nah duh Becka" i said to her back. She just kept on looking at her. "Hey" I slapped her arm and said "stop staring at her". "She's pretty cute not gonna lie". I felt my face getting hotter cause thats our code for when she thinks a girl is my type and she was right that girl was beautiful. "Hailey" yelled Miss Adam. Hailey..... that's her name imma make sure I remember that.

Haileys POV
"Hailey" i heard miss adam say "i got your schedule dear" she said holding up a piece of paper. I got up and took the paper "thanks miss adam" i said running out the door. I looked at my schedule and turns out my first class is history which is upstairs. Now all i have to do is find the stairs.

Rebekahs POV
Ok so me and my sister finally got our late passes and went to our classes mine is history and hers is intensive math cause shes gay and gay people cant do math. I walk into the room and put my late pass on the teachers desk. I look around and see that new girl sitting in the middle of the class with an empty seat right next to hers so i took this chance to get to know her so i ran to sit next to her. "Hey" i said as friendly as possible "oh hi" she said with the sweetest smile "i am Rebekah but you can call me Becka" "oh cool im Hailey and I don't have a nice nickname" we both started laughing "i am going to call you hails like hailstorms" "aye that's pretty cool im down". "Ok class settle down i have an announcement to make since it is the first day of school we need big grades to start of the semester. So we will be doing a project" Mr. Williams said. "He does things like this every year and its the worst cause the projects are so long and hard to make" i turned to tell Hailey. "But this year you will be allowed to be in pairs". A big smile came on my face as i looked at Hailey it looks like she was thinking the same thing cause she was giving me that look. "Meet me at the lockers that are to the right of the bathrooms before lunch" "ok Bec, is it ok if i call you Bec i kinda dig that name for you" i have had many nicknames before but no one had ever thought of Bec. "Yeah its fine, so where are you from". Me and Hailey spent the rest of the period getting to know each other. She is a really sweet and chill person and seems like someone to trust. I'm pretty sure we are going to be great friends. The bell rings to go to homeroom and turns out me and Hailey have most of our classes together today so we walked together to homeroom but after she had to go to pe and i had to go to math. I couldn't walk her or i was going to be late so i showed her where the lockers were and went to class. Hopefully she'll be alright by herself.

Hailey POV
So now i have to go to pe and i don't know anyone there so i am kinda worried about that. Plus i have to change and i don't really like to change in front of other people so im just gonna hide in the corner. "Omg hey are you the new girl" said some girl the second i walked in "oh hi" said some other girl "wanna be friends" said some other two. "Oh umm hi" i said very confused. Well there goes my plan to hide. Then the coach walked in. "Ok ladies enough with the chit chat go ahead and change today we are running laps" everyone complained as the coach walked out. "Hey excuse me coach" i said running up behind her "yes miss" she said "can i listen to music while we run" i asked as sweetly as possible "yeah sure" she said then turned around and left. Thank god that i could listen to music cause i have no one to talk to while running. "Ok lets go girls" said one of the girls in the locker room and three girls followed her out to the football field. Then later the rest of the girls left so i took this chance to change.

Maxine POV
The bell had already rung to go to 3rd period so i was trying to go when i saw my friends in the hallway. "Hey Brian, Jj, Mikey" i said while clapping each of them up. "Aye was up Max" said Jordan. "Nothing much, by the way do you guys think you can come over tonight" i asked them as the bell rang "yeah I'm definitely going" said Mikey "imma have to ask my dad cause like y'all know how he gets" said Brian "i can also come" said JJ. "Ight well imma have to go cause it's starting to get really late so I'll talk to you guys later" i told them as i turned around and left. "Bye max" they all yelled. I walked into the locker room and saw that no one was there so i was going to walk to my locker but when i turn the other lockers i see that new girl with out a shirt on looking through her bag. I just stood there frozen it's like i couldn't move. Her body was just so perfect I can't even describe it. "HEY" she said scared as hell "aye wait im sorry i didn't think you would care" i said very nervously "we do have the same parts anyways" i said with my hand over my eyes "we may have the same body parts but they are definitely not the same size" after she said that she took my hand from off of my eyes. "Ouch" i said looking her in the eyes and pouting "ohhh im sorry" she said as if she was talkin to a baby and then she pinched my cheeks. She went to go walk out but i yelled "wait can you please stay until I'm done changing i don't like to be alone in here" "yeah sure" she said and sat down on the benches. "So whats your name" i said trying to start conversation she was quiet for a second but then she went "oh umm Hailey, yours?" "Maxine but please call me Max" i said closing the locker door. "Ok im done now we can go" i said flashing her a smile she smiled back and followed me out to the field.

Hailey POV
When she wanted me to wait for her i didn't know what to expect but i still said yes. I sat down on some benches and she opened up her locker she asked me what my name was. I looked up to answer but got distracted when i saw she didn't have a shirt on. She was so skinny and she had abs and that sports bra fit her perfectly it wasn't loose but it was tight either. Then I remembered she had asked me what my name was "oh umm Hailey, yours?" So turns out her name was Maxine but she goes by Max. I swear i have seen her before somewhere. Ohhhh she was one of the girls that was at the office. When we got out she said bye to me as she went of with the guys and i went to go talk to the girls i ran laps with some of the girls there. They really weren't that bad. Once pe was done i changed and went my fifth period and then lunch i sat with Bec and her friends. Then finally school was over i had to call my mom to ask her if i could have a sleepover at Rebekahs house my mom said yes just because Bec lives very close to us. So i went out side to the front of the school to wait for Rebekah to come out. "Hey Hails" she said running to where i was "what did your mom say" "she said yes" i said with a smile. "Yay we should get going then" she said walking away. I quickly caught up and we were on our way to her house. We got there after like 10 minutes. "Ok wait give me a sec" she whispered to me and walked a few steps into the house and yelled "MOM" after hearing no response she told me to come in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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