Teen Mom

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So its been 17 months since i slept with that blue eyed god and i may have gotten more than i asked for a few months later

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So its been 17 months since i slept with that blue eyed god and i may have gotten more than i asked for a few months later.

I found out i was pregnant after 4 weeks.

Then at 5 months i found out i was having twins.

And at 7 months i found out it was boys.

Im not gonna lie it has been hard but i wouldnt change it for the world.

Their names are Liam and Logan and they are 8 months old.

Today we are going to their aunt Riley's house and yes she had her baby too.

Her name is Joanna Lynn Anderson.

She is a beautiful baby girl with bright green eyes and the cutest chubby cheeks.

She is a beautiful baby girl with bright green eyes and the cutest chubby cheeks

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Joanna Lynn Anderson

Anyway i get the boys dressed and then take them to my room and put them in their play pen.

Anyway i get the boys dressed and then take them to my room and put them in their play pen

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Then I head to my bathroom and get dressed and do full faced makeup and put on some jewlery and then went back out and put the boys in their carseats and grabbed their diaper bag.

I locked up the house and then got into the car after buckling in the boys.

I turn on my country station and hear my favorite country song Like A Cowboy comes on and i sing along with it.

We pull up and Riley comes running out with Jo on her hip and Anderson comes right behind her.

I dont call him by his first name so I call him Anderson but he doesnt mind.

I hop out and run and hug her.

"Hey mama"

"Hey teen mommy"

"How are my girls?"

"We are great"

"Thats good"

"Hows the boys?"

"They are happy to finally meet their aunt Riley"

We laugh and Anderson grabs Logan and I grab Liam.


Riley couldnt put the boys down but we had to start dinner.

We are making spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread sticks.

We hear a knock on the door and Anderson yelled that he would get it waking Liam from his nap.

I hear him whining and excuse myself.

When i pick him up shushing and bouncing him i turn and freeze.

Hes here.

He freezes and looks at me and we both say "oh shit"

This is gonna be good.

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