Chapter XIII: "The Awakening"

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Yusuke and his team chased on ritsu heading to where keiko is. They get close to her a lot of times but just as they were about to caught her, another of her men always comes out of no where and stops them. Its been like that for a couple of times until they've lost her completely.

Then they've finally reached a ruined town, a place that looks like it has met its doomed. The look of it gives shiver on their body. The place smells fresh blood and dead body were scattered around the area. They could only think of one person to do such thing, and that is ritsu's son. They waste no time and search around the area for that shack keiko had gone to. They may have left any clue there for them or maybe misaki if she made it to them.

When they arrived at the place, they found a crampled piece of paper. As yusuke tries to straighten it up to check it out, kuwabara suddenly goes out. He seems to saw someone familiar. But before they head out to follow their friend, they read the note that was in that paper. It says that there was a hotspring on the upper level of the mountain and that master genkai was there watching over kurama's family. That they should head there immediately and be cautious of their surrounding along the way. That no matter whom they faced up to, they have to attack it without hesitation since the opponent they are dealing with can copy faces and use it against them. And even her, if they cross their path, they have to attack her as well. They get confused on the last thing she said in there.

After reading the letter, a sudden loud scream from kuwabara was heard outside. They immediately run to where he was to aid him if he was in trouble. When they reach him, they saw misaki standing on her back to them, she was looking up and it looks like she was trying to sense someone up there. Her hands was covered in blood and her aura felt different. She doesn't seems to notice them though and what makes it weird was kuwabara's frightened face. He looks like he have seen a ghost or anything that scared him the most. They approached him and helped him get up asking what's the problem.

Kuwabara: (still looking straight to misaki) Her eyes, her eyes… Misaki is.... Misaki was... (he said still shocked on what he see)
Kurama: What is it with her eyes? (he asked curiously)
Kuwabara: She's the reaper on my dream! She's the one who were going to kill our loved ones! (he said gasping for air trying to calm himself)
Yusuke: WHAT?! How? Misaki were trying to help us from the very beginning. (he said confused)

Kurama was still confused on what he said and approached her cautiously. As he was about to peek on her face, she suddenly attacked him. He dodge it quickly and was on his defensive stance.

They were all surprised to see her eyes with a skull mark. The exact description of the reapers eyes on kuwabara's dream. They dont know what she's capable of in this state. But before they could think of what could've happen to her, she started attacking them again. She showers them with rains of punches and kicks in such a quick motion but in more heavier blow, they could only defend themselves. They tried to dodge her and give counter attacks but she easily avoided it. Even facing four people, she can give great damage unto each of them. She's on a different tier on fighting with this state she had.

Yusuke: What's wrong with you? Did they do something on you? (he asked trying to know why she's doing this)

She stopped what she was about to do hearing what yusuke just said and look at him seriously. They thought it works, that she snapped out of being controlled as what they thought she were. She then walked close to him and hugged him tight. He suddenly felt uneasy on it looking at kurama who looks like giving an air of jealousy on what he was seeing. He tried to get off  of her but she clings on him tighter. Kurama then have a suspicion that she was trying to elliminate him in that way. So, he quickly grab on to her to help free his friend from her grasp. He succeeded  with hiei and kuwabara's help.

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