Chaptier too ate the camp elf-blood

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Boby Jonson was loki. ng aroud camp half-brood and goat lost "Are yu loss/ May i halp u." sad blind girl. He introducked hersrlf as th daughte of Athens, annAbess. :im looling for cabin elven: he repliwd. "Filliw me" see sadi. She led him too the cabbeans. Body Jinnsin thinked her an dwent intoo the cabean elven.

"Hei welc0,e to carburn elevn!" a dud wit blond hari smf a hug scae on hsi fave.

"Ima Puke" he inntroducked himself.

"Nomar orh undermined?" a kdi shuted oit.

"Undermind" Puke replaye.

"AwWwww" thee kiz growned.

"Hi gayz, im newo heer" anothre dde sad as he cam in "My mane is Pecy Jacksm"

"Tis gui mus b undeerminwd too, rifht?" anithr gut shooted out.

''Hes undeetterminned to, yrah." Puke replayd.

Evryonne grownrd.

"Ass yu see, thiss cabeen es neraly fool. All tee undternimed kiss ar acepteed heer. Hremes si the god of travler,s so he acepts oll thee undertermined kids." Puke expand.

"Oky" Precy replid.

:lets og now, ist diner tmi' Puke sad.

evryboody wentto thee dinning pavi lion. poepl3 stated too cat.

"Lettus bunr uor sacirfive for tge dogs!"

Evryone bought theri doof plats to their parents' shinres.

'Ho is my dadd or mim aniways. Pleze clam me.'

as he was abuot to puthe doof insdie the shinre oof hermees< Somone exclammed; 'three is the sing! abovr hiz hed!'

boby lokekd abov hiss hed. theer was a simbol oof arthemis. yhere was the mon and arroe. 'a som ov arthemis1!1!1!' 'butt arthemis is a maideen godes' 'treeson!1!1!1'kids strated toe shoot oot. 'SLIENCCE!' dio kneesus yeeled. 'dis sall bee repored to olimpus so u don have to argu boutit!'

evryone becsme sileent. body wentto arthemiss' shine, hee droped a potion off hiz foos too the falme.

'tim togoto yor cabinns' dionysauce sed, everyonne headded to theri cabiins. boby hedded to cabeen 8. he droopeed off onto te bad and stated snoring.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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