Chapter 1: The calm before the storm

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It was five o'clock and Takeyo was in the kitchen working on dinner for her siblings. She had been working hard to make Udon noodles with a side of onigiri. she kept an ear out knowing that her sibling were constant fighters. The peaceful and therapeutic feeling of cooking dinner was interrupted by the sound of yelling.

" Give it back Tatsuki!" Haruka whined loudly. " Why are you always so mean to me?"

Takeyo had already taken off her apron and started heading upstairs to break up what was going on upstairs. She soon reached the problem area, Haruka's room. "HEY!" Takeyo yelled sternly. she saw that one of the twins was terrorizing Haruka and holding her doll up so she couldn't reach it, but the moment the yell registered in Tatsuki's head she dropped the rag doll. "Tatsuki, how many times do I have to tell you to stop terrorizing your sister? You just cause more drama and frankly, I'm not in the mood the deal with it. You're the older brother so be the bigger person and leave your sister be!" Her voice was very stern and she seemed quite annoyed. " Dinner will be ready in twenty. I don't want to hear so much as a whine out of either of you. capiche?" Both of her siblings nodded and Tatsuki left Haruka's room.

Takeyo headed back downstairs to finish up dinner and soon enough it was all done. She plated the food and set each bowl down in the proper spots. two spots at the head and back of the table were left empty, those seats were where the parents would sit once in a blue moon. Takeyo had been taking care of her siblings like a mother since she was ten while her parents worked hard to keep food on the table. back then it was hard for Takeyo to keep up with the twins but now she had learned to balance taking care of her four siblings and keeping up with her own life issues. She hadn't noticed she had been standing still this entire time until she heard Haruka whine.

" I'm hungry! T when's dinner gonna be ready?"

Takeyo almost dropped the bowl of soup she was holding but she caught herself before she did. She quickly set it down at her place at the table. " Right now actually." she gave Haruka a small pat on the head. She watched as Haruka ran down the hall to the bathroom to wash her hands. Now was the hard part, Takeyo had to round up all of her siblings and get them to eat dinner. She sighed and slowly walked up the stairs. "Rei, Tatsuki, Yamoto, dinner time!" she yelled down the hallway. She stood by the stairs and watched as the bedroom doors opened and the annoying creatures she called siblings came out.

" About time," Tatsuki said giving her a harsh glare. Usually, Takeyo would protest or tell him to shut up, but she didn't have it in her. She just let out a sigh and waited until the three were halfway down the stairs. She followed soon after.

Soon everyone was seated at the table, it was silent except for the sounds of their metal chopsticks clinking against the bowl. Yamoto swirled his chopsticks around his bowl and Haruka was picking the narutomaki out of her bowl and putting it in Rei's. Takeyo poked her onigiri with her chopsticks until Haruka broke the silence, "When are Mommy and Daddy gonna be home for dinner?" She got rid of her last piece of narutomaki as she spoke. Takeyo had gotten this question many times, she still hated it after all these years.

" I dunno Haruka, soon probably." That was a blatant lie, it would be a while until her parents actually acted like parents.

" Oh shut up Takeyo," Tatsuki said with a sour look on his face. " Mom and Dad couldn't care less about us. It always work this and work that but if dad could keep it in his pants for more than five minutes he wouldn't have to worry about 'the kid problem'. Why would they have more kids if they could barely handle one?" Tatsuki usually ranted about his parents and how they were never home to this wasn't a new thing for anyone.

" I think Takeyo's right, they'll come back soon." Yamoto finally spoke up but he was still staring straight down at his food. This displeased Tatsuki.

" Are you stupid Yamoto? Open your eyes! Dad doesn't love you and Mom is ignorant, so all we have is Takeyo and we won't have her for long since she wants to go to UA and become a stupid hero like Mom and-" Tatsuki was cut off by Takeyo.

"Enough!" she rose her voice again and watched Rei and Haruka jump back a bit. "You aren't solving anything by insulting your siblings Tatsuki, Just shut up!"


The rest of dinner was quiet. Once it was all said and done everybody went upstairs for a bit of alone time, everyone except Takeyo. Takeyo sat on the kitchen counter trying to get ahold of her parents. she finally heard the normal generic message. "Todoroki hero agency, My name is Miyu. How may I help you?"

" Hi, this is Takeyo Todoroki. I was wondering if my Dad is there right now." It was like clockwork by now; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Ms.Miyu worked the night shift and would take her calls since her dad never answered his cell.

" Oh! Hello Takeyo dearest, He's currently out right now but I can call you back when he's done." Takeyo sighed a sigh of disappointment.

" No thanks Ms.Miyu, it's not that important. I'd hate to bother him at work."

She started to wonder why she even tried, he was never there anyway. Why did she even try to call anymore? It was always the same stupid question and the same stupid answer. She started to wonder if Tatsuki was right, did they really not care about their kids? She already knew the answer, they probably didn't care. They just said they did because that's what parents have to say. She finally hung up the phone and slumped down. She was tired, stressed, and anxiety wracked her thoughts all at once. " Why do I even bother anymore. I'm fifteen and I'm already parenting my siblings because my stupid parents don't know how to be there for them."

She remembers all of the things they never went to. Her seventh-grade talent show, her middle school play, all of her volleyball games. It felt the same every time, the feeling of not being good enough for them, the disappointment of looking into the crowd and not seeing her parents sitting among all of the other parents who loved their kids. That's why she wanted to go into hero work; it was never her first choice, but maybe if she became a hero her parents would notice her, love her. That's all she wanted, acceptance. But for now, all she had was way too many responsibilities and the swing by the wisteria trees.

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