Ep 7

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Kio:ok come on y/n
Nessa:josh you can't speak to her that way
Josh:why it is only to her
Jaden:what that makes it worst
Josh:what why
Anthony:dude she is your baby sister she looks up to you and you use her
Your POV
I went downstairs to ask nessa if she wanted to go to chipotle with me and kio and I heard Anthony say she is your baby sister she looks up to you and you use her so I run back to my room but I bump into someone
It was your old friend Blake from before you moved and met everyone so you are happy
You:omg hey Blake
Blake is also your ex but you guys are friends
Blake:y/n omg what are you doing here
You:um I live here and go here
Blake:omg me too
Blake:I wanna meet your friends
You:about that
Blake:do not tell me you don't have any
You:omg I do let's go
You go to the lobby where they are
You:hey guys this is Blake Jaden you remember him right
Jaden:omg yeah hey bro
Blake:hey Jaden
You:tho sis Bryce quinton Anthony and nessa
Josh:what about me
You whisper in Blake's ear and tell him everything
Blake say out loud
Blake:omg I am so sorry
Nessa:what about
Your about to speak when Blake tells them
You run to your room and lock the door

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