C h a p t e r S i x

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My eyes dart open to the sound of my phone vibrating on top of the coffee table. It takes me a few moments to actually figure out where I was, but when I see spider-man playing on the TV I realised that I was still at Felixs'. I must've fallen asleep. I was about to move to get my phone when I felt a sudden weight hold me down. I turn my head to see what it was, when I suddenly become face to face with Hero, who was asleep.

Apparently, during the film, we both fell asleep and ended up moving to a laying down position whilst we cuddling. Fun.

I mean I'm not complaining, it's just I wish we could do this more but like not when we're only friends. I like cuddling him, he makes me feel safe, but it's also weird to be doing this when we're not dating.

After I take a few moments to admire his beautiful features, i decide that I should probably get my phone and see who's was calling me.

I manage to wriggle out of Hero's grip, whilst not waking him up, and I go and grab my phone. As I open it, I see that Kath has called me, only twice but I still start to panic thinking that it's probably really late and she might be mad at me for not being home yet.

I sigh in relief,  as I catch a glimpse of the time and see it's only 8pm, so it's still early.

I go to walk into the kitchen so i can have some privacy when I call her and everyone else is asleep so i don't want to risk waking  any of them up.

I call Kath and she answers on the second ring.

"finally! you answered! I thought you were dead!" Kath practically screamed into the speaker.

"woah! calm down. I'm fine,  we all just kind of fell asleep. I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner." I say calmly.

"oh, ok. I was just checking up on you to see if you were ok and you are so I guess I'll just leave you then. Don't forget to be home by 11pm." she says in a stern, but also playful, tone.

Ok that's good, she's not mad at me. Thank god.

"Yes I know, I'll be back by then don't worry. bye, love you" I say to her in a bored tone whilst rolling my eyes.

I just want to go back to the living room and climb back under the blanket with Hero and cuddle...

"ok. bye, love you" she says and hangs up the phone.

I decide to scroll through my phone for a bit before I go back into the living room.

As I get up from sitting on the stool, I feel two hands creep onto my waist from behind me.

"what are you doing out here?" Hero whispers into my ear which causes a shiver to rush through my body.

"I- I was just on the phone to my sister. she wanted to see if I was ok. we all apparently fell asleep and it woke me up so I decided to come into here so I don't wake any of you guys up either." I say to him as I turn around, shyly smiling at him.

"ahh ok, well I woke up and heard you in here talking and since we're the only ones awake I took this as my opportunity to talk to you about something that i've been meaning to talk to you about for ages" he says whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

what could he possibly want to talk to me about?

"oh sure, we can talk" I say, slightly confused but I still give him a smile and walk over to the stool opposite the one I was originally sat in. I motion for him to sit down next me.

He nods as he walks towards me.

"sooo, what do yo want to talk about?" I say turning to him.

The boy looks nervous as hell.

*Heros POV*

Right, how do I tell the girl that I used to go on holiday with when we were younger and we used to be really close but we then suddenly stopped seeing each other for five years and haven't seen or spoken to each other until two days ago, that I may or may not like her more than just a childhood friend?...

I've always liked Jo but it was alway in a friendship type of way. I mean we were young so we just saw each other and friends or the person that we always went on holiday with.

when we stopped going on holiday with each other, I couldn't help but feel sad. After the first year, I actually started to miss her.

I never really tried to contact her because I didn't know if she had any social media, or even a phone so I guess I just tried to except the fact that I'll never see her again. I mean I did live in England and she lived in Australia so it wouldn't of been easy to find her either...

This may be odd but I've never actually had a girlfriend. I'm not sure why, I guess I've just never been interested in someone like that. I've had one night stands and sexual relationships with girls but it's never been anything more, but with Jo it's different.

When I saw Jo the other day in the dinning hall, I honestly could not believe my eyes. I knew it was her straight away, but she's honestly changed so much, puberty definitely hit her good. I swear she looked like an absolute goddess and when I got close enough to here her angelic, Australian accent I could've sworn I melted to the floor.

I'm not really sure when I started liking her, but ever since she's been back, all I want to do is just be around her and spend time with her. All I do is think about her. I don't want her to be my girlfriend now since she's only been her for 3 ish days, she may also not feel the same about me, and it also feels like we barley know each other. Yes, we've known each other our whole lives but a lot of things can change about a person in five years- clearly -so I don't want to go to fast with her...

You know what? I should just stop being nervous and just tell her how I feel, otherwise I will constantly regret it. Even if she doesn't like me back, i'm still going to get it off my chess before the opportunity goes.

Well here goes nothing...



ahhh omg he's finally gonna tell her she likes him. I know that jo also likes him, but how do you think she'll react? let me know in the comments.

also I'm so sorry for the late update and the short chapter, its just been hard for me to write recently, but I'm new to this so what did we expect? ahaha. anyway, I hope you're enjoying the chapter so far!

- make sure you follow, vote and comment! I love you<3

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