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"Holy shit, that's it!" Harry wakes up abruptly, almost falling down the couch. He pushes the covers back and runs upstairs, "Yes, yes, yes."

He quickly grabs his notebook and a pen, his hand seems to fly while he writes down that dream, every detail, filling pages and pages as he keeps adding his own ideas. He finally found inspiration, working nonstop, and when he realized, it was already next morning.

He was reading some lines out loud when Scotty appears, with an unfamiliar feminine red shoe hanging on his mouth. Harry takes it, frowning, but doesn't give it much importance, continuing reading.


"You're a genius!" Harry tells his brother when they meet for coffee.

"I thought you didn't like to use that word." Liam frowns.

"You are really super fucking smart."

"I'm glad you found something that inspires you."

"Inspires me?! It overwhelms me. I literally cannot sleep or eat, all I wanna do is write. I almost didn't come here today because I didn't want to be away from her... Oh, my God." Harry gasps.


"I can't say it out loud, it's too stupid."

"I'm used to you saying stupid things." Liam laughs and Harry rolls his eyes, "Come on, what is it?"

Harry combs his hair in his hands, pondering if he should speak, "So, the guy I'm writing about..."

"Yeah, what's his name?"

"Uh, Harry." Harry whispers and Liam's eyes widen, "I'm gonna change it obviously. Well, there's a lot of me in him. I don't know, it's almost like... I'm writing to spend time with her. The girl. I go to sleep at night just waiting to get to my notebook so I can be with her... It's like I'm falling in love with her."

"That's curious, but good, right?" Liam says.

"No, it's not. I can't fall in love with a girl I write about."

"Why not?"

"Because she's not real!"

"Isn't she? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, she's a motherfucking product of my imagination!" Harry exclaims, burying his head on his hands.

"Ugh, Camille treated me so badly." Harry proceeds, "Who leaves someone right after their father dies?"

"Someone who couldn't love you properly." Liam tells him, "But anyway tell me about her."

"I don't wanna talk about Camille."

"Not Camille, this girl you're writing."

Harry looks up, smiling, "y/n. Her name is y/n y/l/n. 23 years old, raised in Dayton, Ohio, because it's romantic. Her first crushes were Humphrey Bogart and John Lennon, she cried when she found out they were already dead." Liam chuckles and gestures for him to continue, "y/n got kicked out of high school for sleeping with her art teacher. She can't drive, doesn't own a computer, hates her middle name, which is Tiffany. She's complicated, that's what I like best about her. She's not so good at life sometimes, forgets to open bills... Her last boyfriend was 49, the one before that was alcoholic. She can feel a change coming, she's looking for it."

"Looking for what?"

"Something new."

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