It was the year of 1940, the second great war was upon England at the time. The streets were abandoned in the cold breezy night, everybody in the household asleep except for the young Ilene who was anxious the night before, after all, she couldn't help it. She was restless and wanted to explore her house once again without waking up her parents. She crept over to the bay window, looking in the far distance as a cherry fire roared from the endless brigade (later known as the London Blitz).
She admired the smell of gunpowder as a light gust of wind blew across her face, turning her cheeks bright red. She wasn't scared, but rather felt empathy and remorse for the poor souls who perished from the engulfing flames and impact of an endless barrage of bombs. She felt her eyes start to swell, and a single tear made its way down her pale cheek. She began wishing she could escape from what seemed like a dream.
The small tiny pitter patter of her feet rushed toward the cabinet, abruptly opening it up. She began reaching out for a small leather satchel full of the absolute necessities to live under such circumstances such as these.
The next few minutes were the most crucial for both her family, and the neighbors whom may be still dormant in sleep, rather than evacuating to safety away from the alblazed city.
(edit not flush)she scurried torward her parents room to warn them of the unexpected attack . loud unbearable wailing came from air raid sirens in the far distance, bombs rapidly began closing in at her location.
Young illene couldnt believe her eyes but it seemed to disinigrade to thin air as if they were never there. she called for them searching the whole structure where they were nowhere to be found. 'MOM DAD WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!' bombs streamed down her house and the ones around her followed by the debry. on impact of the bomb that struck her a sudden flash blinded a jolt of pain struck her for a breif moment and poof she was gone
never land (my way)
RomanceAuthors note: uhh its a work in progress need LOADS of editing A gorgeous land isolated to the bravest and couragous souls that managed to get there in the first place, only problem is nobody knows how they got on or how to get off this magical lan...