Chapter- 7

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Vin's POV-

I was all ready, waiting outside of my house.  My mom was there with me. I told her hundreds of times that I will be fine but she wanted to personally tell Alex to take good care of me.

Well, it is not even the first time that she will tell him that. It took lots and lots of convincing from Alex's side and begging from my side to make them agree to let me go on this trip.

My parents called him numerous times in these past two days. To remind him again and again that I still am not fully recovered. Which I don't understand, how they can say that. Even doctors gave me the green chit.

Parents will be parents. Always.

I sighed again. My mom slapped my shoulder.
"Quit sighing. We are worried about you." She said.

I looked down and said, "Yeah, yeah." She ruffled my hair.

I step away from her irritated. Just then we hear the car's horn. I looked around. Alex was coming out of a luxury car.

Is he that rich? No one can tell by looking at him. He doesn't even behave like some rich brats.

"Good morning Mary." He greeted mom first then looked at me.

"Good morning dear." My mom replied.

He was looking damn hot in a simple red Tshirt and faded blue jeans.

He picked up my bags and gave it to his driver.

"Alex, please don't let him eat too much ice cream. I am telling you for your own good." She said.

"I know how he gets after eating too much ice cream, Mary.  Please don't worry." He replied with a smile.

"You know guys, I am standing right here." I reminded them.

"Okay. We should leave for the station now." Alex told my mom.

"Okay." She said to him. She turned towards me, "You have everything with? Medicines, your ID, and the train ticket?" She asked.

"Please, mom. Bye." I kissed her and dragged Alex away from her.

I pushed Alex in and waved at my mom and get in myself.


We reached there. I took out the camera and started taking the video. Alex didn't notice when I suddenly put the camera on his face and told him to start telling me about our project.

But it was impossible to get an expression on his face if it is not for me...

I faced the camera towards me. "Hello everyone, we are here at the station to take our train to William's Farms. It says that William's Farm is 120 km away from here. I am excited to start this journey. See you at the farm." With that, I stopped recording.

I turned to scold Alex but he spoke first.
"I will shoot the video but I am not going in front of that camera." He decided.

"You know, the teacher will not accept it if you won't show up in the whole video," I commented.

"You can take one photo for the slide show and that's it." He said in finality.

"Okay," I said with a long face. The train signaled to depart.

Alex took all our bags. I just had a camera around my neck and my phone on me.

We took our seats. I sat by the window. A few moments later two girls came and sat in the seat which was in front of us.

I gave them a friendly smile and said Hello to them but they ignored me and keep on looking at Alex.

"Hello, what is your name?" One of them asked him. She asked her in a very slutty way. She was not doing much to hide her lust for him.

It annoyed me.

They just ignored my greeting and now are flaunting themselves at my Alex.

Our seats are close enough to brush knees if not sit properly. And those girls were taking full advantage of this arrangement.

The other girl put her hand on Alex's thigh and said, "you are the quiet type. Totally my style."

Alex gave them a small smile and removed her hand but didn't leave it. He shook her hand.

"I am Alex." He replied to their previous question.

Seeing him holding that girl's hand irritated me to the core. I looked outside. Can't show them my irritation.

I took out my earphones and looked for my favorite romantic songs' playlist. I put on the earphones and tried to ignore those people.

The first song was 'God Gave Me You' by Blake Shelton.

The song had just started when suddenly my right side of earbud fall. I tried to catch it but my hand collided with someone else's.

I looked down and then to the person who this hand belonged. Alex took the earbud from my hand and put it on in his ear. He then gave a sweet Smile which is totally reserved for me and only me.

I smiled at him and then put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt him doing the same. He put his cheek on my head.

We listen to my playlist and every song felt like they are just for us.

We reached there in about 2 hours. I went down first and again he took all of our bags.

I started to take photos. I took a photo of the station on which we get off. I turned and secretly took Alex's photo too. He was unaware of it. Then I saw those girls approached him again. They asked for his number.

I had enough of these stupid girls. I marched to them.

"Alex, do you want to sleep with any one of them?" I asked him directly. His eyes went wide and did the girls but they still shamelessly looked for his answer.

"What are you asking? Why would I want that?" Alex asked unbelievably.

I turned towards the girls and gave them a fake big smile.
"See girls, he rejected you both. Now can you leave him? He is not interested." I told them off.

"What? What are you saying?" They looked embarrassed after getting rejected so clearly.

"What I am saying is that he is mine so back off," I replied. My head was about to burst because of anger. I took Alex's hand in mine and dragged him away from those girls.

I stopped and turned to look at him.

"Why were you talking so nicely to those girls?" I asked angrily. I could not keep my emotions in check.

"I am yours? I like the sound of it." Instead of giving me the answer, he gave me his special sweet smile which made my knees go weak.

He came closer and kissed my forehead.
"Don't be jealous of girls I won't even see for the second time." He then walked ahead of me.

Hello, lovelies.

Hope you all liked it.

I totally loved the jealous and fierce Vin.

See you guys soon.

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