Surprise vaction

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We were in our houses doing nothing until Patty and Pat texted the group chat saying

Group chat

Patty: aye guys we have a surprise for you guys
Pat: yea it's going to be so much fun
Patty: can you guys come
Jasmine: I don't have to ask I'm 18 lol
Bryan:sure I'm down
Allison:ok bitch let me ask my parents cause they are hoes and never let me go out
Esmeralda:ok I will
Jocelyn:alr bett let me ask
Nakaly: umm yea I'll go
Angel: my parents are out of town so I'm going to sneak out

Couple minutes later.

Group chat

Jocelyn:alright so my mom said yes I can go
Esmeralda:omg same
Patty:alright that's good
Pat:did you guys pack

Everyone said yes,Patty and Pat drives to there friend's houses to pick them up and there stuff.     
As everyone got in and out there stuff in the truck Pat begin to drive.

3 hours later
Allison:ugh are we there yet ?!
Pat:we still need 2 hours
Allison:ugh I can't take it no more
Tristan:we all need to chill
Allison:will it's hot in the car
Pat:Patty is this it
Patty:yea we are going to rent a boat for one week

Couple minutes later Pat and patty got off the car and went to the place to rent papers to rent a boat for one week,Then pat and patty got the boat and the others got there stuff and went on the boat then drove off to the beach house

The group arrive to there destination everyone got out of the car and got there stuff

Pat:patty is this it Patty:yeaBryan:damn it is pretty Tristan:it is pretty i guess Jasmine:let's just go in already

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Pat:patty is this it
Bryan:damn it is pretty
Tristan:it is pretty i guess
Jasmine:let's just go in already

The group examines the beach house and goes inside.
Everyone went upstairs to pick a room

Jasmine:me and Tristan are sharing a room and we pick this room
Patty:oooo I call a room with Esmeralda
Esmeralda:omg ok bett
Alison:aren't you guys friends?
Patty:that doesn't mean we can't share a room
Esmeralda Whispers to Allison:shut up Allison
Allison:well whatever Im sharing with Bryan lets go bitch
Bryan:yea ok
Angel:nakaly do you wanna share a room together
Nakaly:yea since all these couples want to share a room
Esmeralda:not everybody is dating someone
Allison:ok well Pat are you going to share a room with Jocelyn or do I have to say it
Pat:uhhhhhh do you want to share a room jocelyn
Jocelyn:uhh sure..

As everyone goes inside there room and unpack there stuff they get ready to party and have fun.

While at Patty and Esmeraldas room

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