Chapter Seventeen

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Tadashi: (It's like midnight right now if you guys were wondering)
I followed him down the hallway as we went outside to the back patio in the small cabin. I was nervous for what he had to say. The looks he had been shooting me during dinner made the guilt deepen with each second he stared at me.
We stood on the grass, the dew from the grass making me shudder as it got my feet wet. It was cold, too.
We stopped under a tree, the blossoms making me feel all gloomy. It was usually romantic when you were under these, but right now it was like a funeral. Just dead quiet and the tension was thick enough that you could cut it with a butter knife.
I shifted on my feet trying to keep warmth in my body before gooseflesh covered my arms and legs again.
As I did so, Tsuki kept quiet, not saying anything at all. It seemed to take forever.
"I'm sorry, " he blurted out, making me freeze.
I looked up at him.
(In this book, I imagine Tadashi Yamaguchi short. Like Suga's height or Kageyama's but a hint of Hinata's shortness...does that make sense?)
"I'm sorry for...misunderstanding you on the bus, " he said.
I looked down at his hand before reaching over and grabbing it.
I looked up at him as he stared at me, his mouth open a little in surprise.
"I'm sorry for making you think that I was being rude or anything, I was just nervous that Kiyoko would see us holding hands."
He had a blank look before he smiled softly and squeezed my hand. I walked closer and hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist, listening to his heartbeat increase with speed.
He hugged back, our hands letting go of each other.
After a minute, he moved his arm and tilted my head up to look at him. I blushed lightly as he pulled our faces together. The kiss was soft and gentle. No force or lust. Just love.
My eyes fluttered closed and my heart soared, beating faster.
He broke it and I looked down, fighting a smile.
"I love you, " he said softly, resting his head on mine.
"I love you, too, " I admit softly.
All the weight on my shoulders disappeared with those three words.

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