Chapter 28

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*One week later*

The morning sunshine peeked in through the curtains of Nandini's room. Lying still on the bed, there was a serene expression etched on her features. 

"Nandini, I missed you so much!" Manik said and planted kisses all over her face. Although she had decided to be upset and angry, seeing him in front of her, melted all her anger away. 

"I missed you too!" She said with tears in her eyes. 

He took her in for a bone crushing hug to which Nandini responded with equal fervour. 

"Nandini.." someone called out. Nandini stirred in her sleep but refused to open her eyes. As she heard her name being called out again, she slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them to adjust to the light in the room. Looking around, she realized that once again, all it had been was just a dream. A dream that she woke up to every morning since the last week, only to have her day filled with disappointment. It had been a week since she was out of her comatose state. A week since every person she was acquainted with had either paid her a visit or called her or texted her to ask about her health except that one person she had been dying to make contact with. Manik. He hadn't even given her a single call or dropped her a text to ask about her wellbeing in the past week. Neither had the other members of Fab 5. Why were they behaving weird? Her thoughts were interrupted when Chachi spoke. 

Chachi : Dekh Nandu, aaj mere tere liye tera favourite nashta laayi hu. 

Chachi started unpacking the tiffin when Nandini turned towards her. 

Nandini : Manik? 

She asked, just like she did every morning, although she knew what Chachi's answer would be. The smile on Chachi's face wiped off. Before she could reply to her question, Abhimanyu barged in through the door, announcing his arrival. 

Abhimanyu : Good morning Nandini! 

He wished chirpily. Nandini smiled and wished him back. The day after the initial tests that coma patients have to go through and after ruling out all possible side effects of the surgery, Dr. Mehra had very carefully broken the news of Abhimanyu's return to Nandini. He didn't want to overwhelm her brain with shocks. When he was sure that Abhimanyu's arrival wouldn't have a negative effect on Nandini's health, only then did he let Abhimanyu meet Nandini. Nandini had been over the moon on seeing Abhimanyu alive. If she wasn't bound by needles and machines, she would have jumped right out of the bed and hugged the life out of him. That's how much she had missed him. Since Nandini had woken up, Abhimanyu had always been by her side. He would come in the morning, stay for the day and then leave at night because Chacha insisted on staying at the hospital at night. If it wasn't for Abhimanyu, Nandini would have lost her mind in these four walls. 

Nandini : Toh aaj bhi wahi same bouquet laaye ho? 

Nandini asked sheepishly. Abhimanyu scratched his nape in embarrassment. Since the day she had woken up, Abhimanyu bought her a bouquet of her favourite roses everyday. But what Nandini wasn't aware of was that these flowers were from Manik and not Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu's mind wandered back to the day when he had the bouquet delivered at his place for the very first time. 


Abhimanyu was locking the door of his house to leave for the hospital when a delivery boy came and tapped on his shoulder. Abhimanyu turned around. The delivery boy handed him a bouquet of roses. Abhimanyu furrowed his brows.

Abhimanyu : Yeh maine order nahi kia hai.

Delivery boy : Lekin address toh yahi ka hai. 

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