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OLIVIA GLANCED THROUGH THE file, her eyes scanning over every detail and retaining all the information she could possibly get with the flick of her eyes. She walked down the hall, gracefully missing agents as they slid by her. She closed the file with a slap, placing it tightly in her right hand as she continued down the hall. She threw open the door to the training room, forcing Natasha to stop her exercises and turn to look at the wolf.

     "Well don't you look chipper this morning." Natasha muttered, sighing as she turned to fully face the girl. Olivia rolled her eyes and continued closer to her before holding out the file towards Natasha. Natasha furrowed her eyes and slowly grabbed it before opening it, her eyes scanning over the file just like Olivia had done moments prior. Natasha looked up at Olivia in confusion.

     "I don't understand. Why are you handing me this?"

     "I thought assassins were supposed to be smart." Olivia scoffed, rolling her eyes again.

     "I know it's a mission, dumbass, but why are you handing it to me and not Clint?" Natasha snapped, not liking that Olivia was insulting her intelligence.

     "Because I have to learn to trust you somehow, don't I?" Olivia answered. "And what better way than to do that by going on a mission that could possibly get us both killed?"

     "I thought-"

     "Yeah, so did I." Olivia huffed. "Get ready. We're leaving in ten." Olivia turned on her heel and walked out of the training room, entering her room to get ready for the mission that would hopefully be an in and out situation. It was a simple task. Infiltrate the HYDRA base, get their serum they had been working out, and get out without going unnoticed. Of course, that wasn't going to work, because it never did.

     Olivia got ready, throwing her hair up into a tight ponytail as she stuffed her outfit with her weapons. She looked at herself in the mirror, studying herself for a moment before letting out a soft sigh. "Let's get this over with."

Olivia walked out of her room, strutting her way confidently to the jets where Clint was patiently waiting there. His arms were crossed over his chest before he pushed off the jet when he saw Olivia walking towards him. Olivia cocked a perfect eyebrow at the man as she came closer to him.

     "What are you doing here?" Olivia asked.

     "Thought I'd stop by and tell you not to kill her while you were out." Clint shrugged his shoulders. Olivia rolled her eyes at the man.

     "I'm not going to kill her."

     "I'll believe it when I see it." Clint smirked. "Seriously though, don't kill her."

     "Don't you have more important things to do, Barton?" Olivia huffed. He chuckled at her before giving her a kiss on the top of the head.

     "Be safe out there, you hear?"

     Olivia gave him a reassuring smile. "Always am." Natasha walked by the two, getting on the jet and sitting down, patiently waiting. Olivia watched her for a moment too long and a smirk crawled up Clint's features. He cleared his throat and she blinked, turning to look at him.

     "Maybe I shouldn't be worried about you killing her. Maybe I should be worried about you flirting with her." Clint chuckled. Olivia's eyes widened and heat started to crawl up her neck before she started to stutter her words. Clint's smirk grew wider.

     "Screw you, Barton." Olivia muttered.

     "I think you'd rather screw her." Clint mused, a teasing smile forming on his face.

     "See, this is why I hate you." Olivia huffed, narrowing her eyes as she shoved past the man. Clint just chuckled as she walked away, moving away from the jet in time for it to close. Olivia took place behind the wheel in order to fly the jet, Natasha sat in the passengers seat.

     "Not that it's any of my buisness. . ."

     "You're right, it's not." Olivia agreed with the redhead, taking off.

     "But, would you really kill me during or after the mission?" Natasha quizzed, her head cocking slightly as she looked at Olivia with slight amusement.

     "Don't sound so surprised." Olivia scoffed, rolling her eyes.

     "You enjoy threatening me." Natasha realized, her lips pulling up in a slight smirk.

     "Maybe I find a little bit of joy from it. . ." Olivia trailed, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. Natasha let out a scoff of a laugh, amusement covering her features.

     "It's bold, you know." Natasha told her.

     "What? Me threatening you is bold?" Olivia scoffed, rolling her eyes again.

     "Yes, I believe so." Natasha nodded. "Not a lot of people are brave enough to threaten not only an assassin, but an assassin that's both Russian and from the Red Room."

     "Well, I like to believe I'd have the upper hand if it came down to the battle of the death." Olivia smirked confidently. Natasha smiled gently at the smooth conversation that was flowing between the two before she quickly put her smirk back on her face.

     "Cocky aren't you?" Natasha quizzed. Olivia gave her a side glance, smirking at the girl.

     "Oh sweetheart, you have no idea the things that I can do."

     "Well, I want to." Natasha responded. Olivia glance at her, raising an eyebrow in response. Natasha looked at her, shrugging her shoulders. "What? There's obviously something about you that I know nothing about, something special that I'm sure shouldn't even exist in our world."

     "Well, you're not wrong about that." Olivia chuckled lightly, a sad smile forming on her face.

     "Sorry." Natasha quickly apologized. "I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries."

     "No, don't be." Olivia shook her head, her voice a gentle tone―︎one of which has never been directed towards Natasha. Natasha looked at her, surprised at how Olivia sounded like a completely different person when she wasn't yelling at Natasha. When she wasn't annoyed, or angry, when she wasn't void of emotion, her voice was soft, smooth and delicate as it left her mouth. It was mesmerizing. "You're bound to find out anyways, especially if you're going to be the good guy and stick around for awhile."

     Natasha couldn't help but smile at the words and she looked up at Olivia who was already looking at her. Olivia offered her a small smile, the first one of many that would be exchanged between the two. And suddenly, Natasha couldn't help but ask: "What changed your mind about me?"

     "Clint is a very persuasive person." Olivia answered with a smirk. Natasha chuckled and nodded her head in agreement. A comfortable silence fell between the two, and for once Olivia wasn't tense around the redhead. She even had a small smile that lingered on her face.

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𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖, 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑━︎━︎ N. Romanoff (𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑑) Where stories live. Discover now