Caroline and Liam

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Authors Note: Hey! Well this part is for Caroline and Liam! Thats all i have to say haha kay enjoy Guys!


Me and Nicole laugh on how stupid this person on youtube is then my phone buzzes I look and its a txt from Liam.


Lee-Yum!: Hey Love i was wondering if you want to go the beach with me? Do You?

Me: Yea! I'll love to. What Time??

Lee-Yum!: How about in a hour or so?

Me: Okay(: see you then! Bye.

Lee-Yum: Great! Bye! (:xx

end of Text CONVO

I was smiling like an idiot then Nicole elbows me I look at her and she's smirking "Was that LEE-YUM?" she says still smirking at me I blush "Yea" i say "Go" "Huh?" "He invited you somewhere dont worry i can go hang with Eleanor" "YOU KNOW LOUIS'S GIRLFRIEND!?!?" I shout "Yea! haaha I didnt know she was dating him after that day i hung out with the lads" I scream and Nicole covers her ears "Jesus woman!" I laugh well this is great!!!

~ 1 Hour Later

I wait on the stairs and i see Liam walking towards here "Hi Liam" i say and he hugs me my god my petite body is really tiny compared to his buff body and wierd...moving on.... he takes my hand and we start walking "So when we get there what do you wanna do Love?" "Doesn't matter I guess what ever ÿöü want" "You sure?" he says "Yea im sure" he smiles "Okay" i say smiling back we get there then i ask "So what we're gonna do?" then he smiles he pulls me close to him and kisses me! the feeling of this i don't know but it felt right i saw a flash from the corner of my eye i shook it off the cos it was a light reflection im guessing but this moment cant get any perfect(:


Heeyyyyy!!! lol isn't that cute Liam kissed Caroline! hhaahaa while i was writing this i was 'awwing' lol oh god i need a life. OH AND GUESS WHAT IM GOING TO THE ONE DIRECTION CONCERT NEXT WEEK ON MONDAYY YAYY!!!! OMG THEN IM GONNA GO TO THE JUSTIN BIEBER CONCERT IN ANOTHER COUPLE OF WEEKS!!!!! MY LIFE IS OFFICIALLY COMPLETE!!!!

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